Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Emerge From Comfort

"Some changes look negative on the surface,
but you will soon realize that space is being
created in your life for something new to emerge."

Eckhart Tolle

We may feel a little guilty if we remove ourselves from a group.  Even if our attendance has been brief, our decision to no longer participate can feel awkward.  People will ask 'why' and sometimes assume the decision was based on judgement.  They may feel rejected when none of the above was part of our thought process. If our schedules are so rigid, there is no room for new input.  

How many times have we eliminated items from our closet when we have brought home newly purchased clothes.  There simply isn't room for everything.  The clothing we decide to remove still may be a favorite, but it just doesn't seem to fit any more.  If we pass it on, then someone else can appreciate it.  

We don't always have a concrete reason for our need to move forward.  Some of us remain stuck in our comfort zone, postponing adventures patiently waiting.  Without a well defined reason, it is difficult to explain our decision to change.  

Spirit nudges us to move forward.  Perhaps there is a whisper in our ear we barely hear.  Maybe catch glimpse of an opportunity on a flier in the store and the information hangs on for days.  We may be just gathering our energy to invest into the excitement of something new.  

When we give ourselves permission to change, we make room for something new to appear.  If we subtract something from our lives, it doesn't mean judgement or rejection.  We can maintain fond memories and maintain a different connection.  

If change is forced upon us, yes, we must allow ourselves to grieve, but we must also open our  hearts to new possibilities.   The things we resist the most, often turn out to be blessings in disguise. 

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