Sunday, July 20, 2014


"The most uncomfortable situations in life
hold the greatest potential for growth."

Panache Desai

We have a tendency to surround ourselves by like minded people which might keep us in a vacuum.  If we do not expose our selves to different thinkers, cultures, or organizations, we are limiting our exposure to the cross sections of life.  

Differences offer us the opportunity to stretch and grow, even if it feels uncomfortable.  When we are in the presence of someone who is quite contrary or extremely versed in something we don't care about, we feel it in our solar plexus.  We are triggered in our bellies and we want to run away.  If we remain present and use our energy to stand still with an open mind,  the truth will finally register with us in terms of what is at the heart of the matter.  Rather than distracting our selves, we can use this opportunity to learn more about our selves.   The key is to not shut down.

When we remain present in a situation where we are not comfortable, we can learn to over come whatever fear is being triggered.  What is this about?  Pause, waiting to see what may surface.  The more we can identify what makes us uncomfortable, truth will arrive and  provide a surge of energy with this potential for growth.   

As we work on this issue of thriving even when uncomfortable, we become more authentic.  This new strength allows us to be comfortable any where with any thing.  It will not be as critical for us to be understood or accepted by others.  

In his book, DISCOVERING YOUR SOUL SIGNATURE, Panache Desai discloses "I don't want to be anywhere in the world where I am not at home.  I'm here.  I'm real.  Deal with me." Great attitude!

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