Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Lesson of Wisdom Learned

 But How

It is said that souls intent
on living will reach deep into
their wound and bring out the
fire living there, which out in
the open turns to light.

Mark Nepo
Seven Thousand Ways To Listen

Part of the human experience is to be impacted by a multitude of emotions and unsuspecting events.  Our lives are touched by sorrow, loss, and  grieving,  and how we respond to these emotions shape our lives.  If we choose to repress our aches, pains, lacerations, and bruises, our lives will be led in a certain direction until we can stand it no more, and make a different choice.  Our second choice is to excavate the restrictions preventing us from enjoying life fully.

It is one thing to take circumstances in stride, feeling them deeply, but moving on with healing.  It is something else if the events in our lives are simply repressed.   Whether these events remain in our subconscious or current awareness, they heavily drain our energy and alter the fullness of life experience.  

When we ignore the damage of harmful  life experiences,  similar circumstances will keep appearing until we find permanent resolve once and for all.  We may revisit the situation numerous times:  for forgiveness of others; for forgiveness of self; to release guilt or shame; and to reframe the happening with a lesson or wisdom learned.

I truly wish we could all experience therapeutic intervention on a regular basis.  When we reclaim old parts of our selves. our energy is rekindled and we are more apt to push forward.  If not with a therapist, then with a trusted friend.  If we feel our issues are too intimate to be shared out loud, than by all means begin to journal or paint or play a musical instrument or dance.  Creative expression is a wonderful tool to release whatever is stored within.

The message?  Listen to our lovely selves.  We all have a story to share in any way imaginable other than repeatedly harming ourselves.  Put an end to the repetitious behaviors and thoughts that harm our self-expression.  Visualize a better scenario, one filled with personal power and freedom to be!

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