Tuesday, July 8, 2014

DESIGN: Chalkboard, Chalk, and Eraser

"We're all in this alone."
Lily Tomlin

As human beings, we all have the need to be touched, heard, and loved.  We receive support from family, friends, professionals or groups where we feel connected.  When it comes right down to the heart of life, we truly are alone.  Alone, unless we turn inward to experience the Divine at our core, in our soul, and a part of our being.

So to create balance in our lives, we seek outside of ourselves for some needs while delving inside to discover others.  We are alone in the sense of having free will or choice.  We each decide what is best for ourselves.  If we live by the opinions of others in spite of them not resonating within us, we are being an extension of someone else.  We need to be genuine, and enjoy alignment with body, mind and soul.

When we come to understand ourselves, accept and love who we are, we are more trusting and caring towards others.  When we experience our personal strengths and forgive our weaknesses, our energy holds us strong.  We may still prefer to share time with friends, but we also love our personal time alone.  

We are all in this alone in the manner of being responsible for our selves.  Our life isn't about self-imposed false expectations or following some else's dreams.  We each have a mental chalk board to design our path, using colors, and erasing what we accomplish or out grow.  Anything can be changed or added.  With the assistance of others, you alone are responsible.

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