Friday, June 13, 2014

A No Show


"If you just think what you know to think,
say what you know to say,
and do what you know to do,
you'll blow all their little minds!"
Just recently, I was expected to blend into a reunion from my past.  This would not have been so daunting had it not involved an ex-husband.  I wanted to go, but my desire to attend was over shadowed by my thoughts of forthcoming judgements.  When we go back to what was once family, we have a tendency to regress into the person we happened to be at that time.  My 'ex' is from so long ago it is as though he was from another lifetime.  It really wasn't about him, but about my own criticism of my self.
Why do we give our power away?  How do we allow our lovely selves to become so easily minimized?  I know I am not alone in this.  We all do this to a degree.
My mantras became, "stay in the moment," and "remain grounded," or "be nice to your self".  What does it take to remain conscious of everything I know and believe?  I am no longer the person from yesteryear.  I have to state that I have evolved rather nicely from who I used to be, so what's the problem!
As life unfolded, I had a wonderful time.  I focused on the people who really meant something to me.  I did great, I humbly report.  I stayed true to who I am, and used my voice with clarity.  Did I blow minds?  No one's but my own, and with memorable style and grace.   ( Oh, and my 'ex'  ... he was a no show! )   

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