Saturday, May 24, 2014

Understanding Circumstance

"Nothing in life is to be feared.
It is only to be understood."
Marie Curie

When we our faced with fear, it is important to ask if the information at hand is factual or if we are projecting emotions onto a situation that is basically safe. What we fear generally never happens, therefore, we waste precious energy that could be invested into something positive.

When we feel fear, we can ask ourselves why:  history repeating itself based on past experience; not knowing or willing to see what risk is involved; or no reality based information to support what we are feeling.  

This is not to say that 'gut instincts' need to be ignored; actually, quite the contrary.    What are our senses trying to nudge us about?  The answer again is to sort through information in order to determine if this fear is fact or fiction.

Fear can be a great warning system as well as a strong barrier.  We need to be open to what can be gained or lost and determine if we are willing to do so.  There are times when the only action perfect for fear is stepping through it to the other side.  

Fear robs us of energy that when funneled into positive thoughts, could  become the source of reward.  If we give too much power to fear, we have too little remaining to successfully move forward.  The ability to understand the circumstance eliminates or minimizes overwhelming fear.  With knowledge, clear thinking guides us through any darkness or fear.

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