Friday, April 25, 2014

Sunshine ...


"The sun is gone,
but I have a light."
Kurt Cobain
My daughter's visit has come and gone, way too quickly.  We were successful in introducing her dog, Hannah to my dog Bella.  Thankfully they were very receptive to each other and having two dogs in my home did not turn into a nightmare! 
The weather was exceptionally nice which allowed us to sit out on the deck and watch the two dogs romp around.  We had wonderful long walks at the park and a special excursion to visit two of my grandchildren.  Bubbles, soft ball, jump rope and plenty to eat.  Out of no where, an aged purple balloon floated into their yard and my granddaughter quickly grasped the string.  My grandson was in awe exclaiming it was certainly a miracle! 
It is heart lifting to experience the observations of young children.  They find such delight in the simple and uncomplicated things.  Time spent with my daughter is still like this.  We can just 'be' together, perfectly content to be outside.  We swapped books as usual and shared news about friends and family. 
When I have family in my home, I feel like a flower reaching up to the sunshine, filling myself with energy clear down to my roots.  My family is my sunshine, but in their absence, I bask in the Divine Light that I have come to know.


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