Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Ones Who Know ...

“I am more than my scars.”
Andrew Davidson, The Gargoyle

Observing body language, studying faces, and noting details that make a person unique, are all favorite pass times of mine.  I have been a people watcher for as long as I can remember.  "What are you staring at kid?" taught me to be a bit more discreet at an early age.  I learned to sit with an open book in my lap as it was an excellent prop.  Then I graduated to journals where I really could record my observations.  I did not create this habit of studying others in order to replicate behavior, but rather to understand the actions of others.

It didn't take very long to recognize there are those who walk through life for the benefit of others.  They believe their appearance will be noticed by everyone.  The majority of people, however, were more distracted by the business around them, as though the last thought was about themselves.  Early on, they had learned to be smaller or invisible trying not to attract the attention of anyone.  Then there were those I most admired.  They were never alike in appearance which made the search more challenging.  They could be of any gender, shape, or nationality.  They gently were noticed for their radiating presence.  Just glancing at one of them gave the sense of kindness, openness, and compassion.  They appeared to be content with who they were and reflected their light out into the world.  It was not their intention to be seen, but rather to distribute a silent essence wherever they walked and to whomever they spoke.

These particular people were more than their scars.  They were not fear based nor trapped in a destructive emotional cycle that wore them down.  It was not confidence they displayed, but more like acceptance, trusting themselves to navigate from the light within.  I think of these people as 'the ones who know' ... we are all the same and worthy.

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