Saturday, March 22, 2014

Nine Times

Peaceful Daily's photo.
Nothing happens by accident, they say.  We are always exactly where we need to be, we are told.  It is important to be awake to realize when we are in a learning experience.  To successfully accomplish a lesson, however, does not mean the lesson is duly noted and floated to the archives.  We seem to learn the lesson, but the Universe tends to try to sneak it by us once again.  It may be dressed a little differently, worded in an unfamiliar language, but indeed, the same lesson.
Sometimes we catch the lesson repeating itself, and we can laugh in recognition.  "Oh no you don't," we might exclaim as we gracefully slide through the opportunity with keen awareness.  Then there are other times we are mid-way into chaos before we realize we have royally been buffaloed once again.
Several months ago, I was aware that I was in the middle of a lesson.  I re-framed my actions, but not in time to avoid the disappointing results.  With every passing month, I have experienced this same lesson, adjusting my perspective, and still experiencing a dead end.  To date, I have cycled through this lesson nine times. 
Repeatedly, my actions, no matter how displayed, have failed to sustain the end to my yearnings.  Nine times I have been suckered in to be left feeling like a reprimanded child sent back to her room. 
I can recall past efforts over the years that appeared to be negative in the moment, when ultimately time would show they were blessings in disguise.  I know there is a reason for everything we experience, but the greater lesson continues to escape from me.  

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