Sunday, March 9, 2014

International Women's Day ...


Since the year 1908, when 15,000 women marched through New York City demanding shorter hours, better pay and voting rights, women have fought for equality. Three years later, in 1911, the first International Women’s Day was held, and to this day, remains a national holiday in dozens of countries.

March 8 is the day set aside each year for this important event. This year’s theme is Inspiring Change and encourages advocacy for women’s advancement everywhere in every way.
Thousands of events are held worldwide to mark the date. Many of them are listed on the official Site -

One of the world’s most outspoken activists for women’s rights today is Arianna Huffington. She has spoken her truth in the realm of politics, literature, on the speaking circuit and the Internet, as the innovative leader and CEO of the online media giant, Huffington Post. Now, in collaboration with Mentors Channel, Arianna is presenting On Becoming Fearless,a 21 Day Meditation Journey.
On Becoming Fearless, a 21 Day Meditation program, beginning Monday, March 31. This unique global and FREE opportunity is based on one of her finest works, On Becoming Fearless in Love, Work and Life.

In this truly life-enhancing series, Arianna provides women from all walks of life with a roadmap for achieving fearlessness in every aspect of their lives. Her writing outlines the various ways fearlessness can radically and positively affect every woman’s living, every day. This free, online program will focus on topics such as: Approval from Within; Dealing with Divorce: The Fear of Aging: The Perfection of Imperfection, plus many more;

Already our growing, global community of meditators is so excited and buzzing about stepping into pure fearlessness and passing this crucial way of living onto friends and loved ones.

You have the opportunity to embrace the spirit of International Women’s Day by becoming the bold, confident and fearless woman you were created to be. Please mark your calendars and join us on Monday, March 31, for the first day of this life-transforming journey. You will be so Registration is free at:

To your wellbeing,
Mentors Channel Team

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