Thursday, March 13, 2014

Free and Whole



"Keeping our word is the alchemy
to become free and whole."
(1608 - 1649)
While interacting with others, we quickly learn not to make promises as life often times gets in our way.  We may have the best intentions to follow through, but circumstances can dramatically change.  When we get interrupted by life, we can be resentful, judgmental or condescending to ourselves and others.,
Words need to be spoken carefully, either to ourselves or to others.  Our word loses power when we do not stand behind it, and yet, we must be gentle with unforeseen changes. 
At this moment ... in this space of time ... with the information available to me ...  I give my word.  We can feel the heaviness of this intention while fear creeps in uninvited. We may have set ourselves up for failure or self-sabotage.  We can feel enormous responsibility growing.
Then we can remember God's promise to always be present in our lives.  We can recall the numerous times we forgot this presence and wandered aimlessly.  When we stumbled or woke up, Spirit was waiting for us. Divine Spirit enables us to once again become free and whole.


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