Saturday, February 8, 2014

Permission to Play

Explorations Early Learning's photo.
We hold ourselves accountable for every moment of our day, balancing our time between family, career, and 'must do's' if our energy holds out.  Many might say they do not have time to play without realizing time allotted for creative expression would stretch our energy further. 
When we have young children, we can participate in their activities as a form of release.  Coloring with a child,  building with Lego's, or reading can be equally pleasant for both child and adult.  Playing games with older children can spark ideas and help to maintain a presence in each others lives. 
Just recently, I realized that I do not allow myself to play enough.  Although I am thoroughly entertained by writing and reading, I need additional outlets.  I love to water color just for the pleasure of what appears in graceful strokes.  Making collages are thoroughly enjoyable for me if I have the right selection of magazines.  Knitting is still an option, but I rarely engage in my love for quilting.  The love for coloring with my old cigar box full of crayons is easily utilized by finding mandalas to color. 
I have discovered there is plenty of time for what I might choose to do, but that I stand in my own way of personal choice.  I am still cautious of ridicule or sarcasm of how I choose to entertain my creative spirit.  While playing THE TRANSFORMATION GAME with friends, it was brought to my attention that I could find numerous safe places to play and not confine myself by my own self-imposed fears. 
My desire for creative expression is expanding.  I feel as though an entire new frontier of possibility has just opened before me.  The choices are endless.  I feel so very alive to have returned to my creative flow.  Rekindled energy moves me beyond my limitations.


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