Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Dense Fog

"Light tomorrow with today."

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

It is not much fun to wander through the fog, not seeing where we are going and maybe not even understanding where we are headed.  We may walk right past opportunities or not recognize mentors we would like to know.  Fog can be the half way mark between darkness and light.

If we are experiencing a dense feeling like fog, don't wait until tomorrow hoping for a better day.  Take matters into our own hands, even if there is a struggle,  and work our way towards the light. 

Each of us feeds our fire in different ways.  Some of us need rest and solitude while others need action and socialization.  We need to define what will get us going again, right now, in this moment. 

Sometimes we cannot move through a dense fog without the assistance of a friend, mentor, or Divine guidance.  Reach out for whatever we need, rather than waiting for something to come along to perk us up.

By addressing our own needs, we can feel empowered.  While processing insight or guidance, we begin to feel enhanced.  When we use our energy to fuel a fire within, we can end the day with a sense of accomplishment.  Our tomorrow will be better by brightening this day.

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