Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Reach the Other Side


"It is not trespassing
when you cross
your own boundaries."
Author Unknown 
Over the years, I have been blessed not only to read between the lines, but to experience visualizations.  These magical moments have inspired me, released me, and changed me.   My challenge has always been within illusions of worthlessness, separation, and the greatest of all, fear. 
A decade ago, I was working with a special soul as she tried to break through her limitations.  She shared her fears, we had reading assignments, entered into guided meditation, and did a lot of praying.  One day as I was preparing for her visit, I found a simple sketch in a book that seemed to reflect everything we were discussing.  There was a line drawing of a person standing on the very edge of a cliff, with one leg sticking out into nothingness.  Somehow this clicked.
In our session, I shared this image and immediately it seemed to turn on all kinds of understanding within her heart and mind.  She finally felt everything stored in her head.  She got it!  She understood that one must step through the illusion to reach the other side.  She knew in her heart that her faith and her trust would safely lead her beyond her own imposed boundaries.
She was radiant, remarking of how she felt cleansed and as though all misunderstanding had been washed down the drain.  She felt courage filling in the vacated internal spaces with a shift towards a loving attitude preparing her to stretch into a new horizon.
Simply put, it is not what we know, but what we do with the information we have.  It is searching through our clutter, taking time to cleanse away excess, and then utilize what remains.  We can realize our first step through illusion is not taken alone.  If we prepare ourselves with requested guidance, we will successfully reach the other side.

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