Monday, December 2, 2013

Tokens Sliding through a Slot

Winslow Homer, Morning Glories 1873

                                                  (Winslow Homer, Morning Glories 1873)

"Just trust yourself,
then you will know how to live."
Ideas are dropped into our minds like tokens sliding through a slot.  Insights are painted throughout our dreams with brilliant colors and scenes.  Inspiration floats upon the words we read or arrives on a gentle breeze by the window where we sit. The opportunities are endless, but we rarely embrace the thought or lack an appropriate follow through. 
All of us are capable of making dreams turn into reality.  We all receive information waiting to be diagrammed into form, so why the low percentage of turn around?  Can it be as simple as not believing in our selves? 
From the time we are wee children, we are stifled through reprimands about our personal creative expression.  From coloring within the lines, to imaginary friends, to being preposterous, and other devaluing remarks, our self-esteem is quickly nipped in the bud.  As children, it is those who can endure the criticism of others, who keep their visions alive or swim against the current that maintain their belief in what they see and feel to be truth.
There are some who are most fortunate in having a relative or family friend or teacher who recognizes the imagery of the child as something to be nourished.  Through just one person's encouragement, a child can unleash creative thought to be evolved into greatness.
As adults, we are exposed to just as much if not more skepticism by others.  I would not wish for anyone to foolishly invest in any aspect of them selves to flounder or cause harm; but it also causes me sadness when a person restrains the self from fully evolving to their creative potential. 
I can only imagine the confidence and self-esteem of the person who followed through with his or her idea of "Clap on!  Clap off!"  He or she is probably laughing all of the way through early retirement with comfort secured in the bank.



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