Wednesday, December 25, 2013

On This Day, and Every Day.


by Anonymous
Every time a hand reaches out
To help another... that is Christmas.
Every time someone puts anger aside
And strives for understanding
That is Christmas.
Every time people forget their differences
And realize their love for each other
That is Christmas.
May this Christmas bring us
Closer to the spirit of human understanding
Closer to the blessing of peace!
On this day and every day, may we take one step closer, truly sensing our oneness.  When we look into each others eyes, may we see heart and soul connected rather than divided.  We can strive for the common denominator linking us together rather than the spike that drives us apart. 
Perhaps we can find the child of innocence in each other, and create relationships out of respect and honor.  May we revere each others cultures, allowing space for learning and understanding.  We can come to appreciate the rituals others hold dear without imposing our own.
Let us journey together, each in our own way, but compatible.  We can keep life simple rather than complicated.  We can enhance the world jointly rather than competitively.  Our intelligence can be channeled into healing rather than destroying. 
As we set judgment aside, let us pick up loving kindness.  By filling our hearts and minds with love, we can create a world with less suffering and pain.  Our lights will shine so strongly, no one will be left in darkness.


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