Monday, October 21, 2013

True Nature of Our Lovely Self


"A fish cannot drown in water.
A bird does not fall in air.
Each creature God made
must live in its own true nature."
Mechthild of Magdeburg
With personal assessment, we begin to sense if we are striving to live or if we are thriving based on how we live.   The basic clue would be whether or not we are forcing our selves to move through our day or if we are joyfully responding to our day.   Do our activities squelch our spirit or do our motions encourage our experience? 
No matter how controlled our day or our life becomes, a person can still make room for a pause to enhance, and support desires.  We may be overwhelmed, but if we see a reasonable light at the end of the tunnel, we carry on.  If we are heavily trodden with no way out, it is time to reassess.
Our current options may not be ideal, but nevertheless, we do have choices.  It takes time to cultivate a plan that will support our true sense of self.  If we hate what we do, then we are not in the right place; thus, the universe is not supporting us.  When we determine to take a direction into what  enhances our existence, we feel a s sense of freedom or liberation.  Random opportunities appear supporting our decisions for change.  We must be willing to take a risk to create an environment best suited for our inner self.  What is perfect for one, is not necessarily accommodating to another and this is by design.
It is impossible to chart a course without a concept of the destination.  We must have a sense of where we want to go, how we want to travel, and at what speed.  In other words, we must know our desires, capabilities, and strengths.  We need to be acquainted with our hidden yearnings and accountable for our moment to moment movements.
If we find our lovely selves saying, "I have come too far, there is no turning back," we are not being honest.  Where there is a will there is a way.  We cannot expect to move a mountain on a whim.  We must carefully, but passionately, place one foot in front of the other, moving step by step.  In time, we will feel the universe or God moving with us and supporting us in random ways.  When we daily fill our hearts with gratitude, we leave less room for fear and self-sabotage. 



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