Thursday, October 31, 2013

Increasing Wisdom


"Women always try to tame themselves as they get older,
but the ones that look best are always a bit wilder."
Miuccia Prada
While listening to a radio show about women who do not look their age, the facilitator made this comment:  "When you see the old woman coming, don't let her in!"  He was supporting the perspective that we are as old as we feel.  If we think we are 'old' this thought will impact our behavior.  Our attitudes will become limiting and we will ultimately lose the spark within.
How old we feel is pretty much dependent upon the given day.  So obviously our body follows our thoughts as to how we create our image.    Our environment also impacts how we feel, just as the people who surround us influence our image.
As we age, if we stay in contact with younger adults, we are more apt to stay current with changing times.  We hear opinions based on a different age group and whether we agree or disagree, the information will keep us informed.  The key is to continue to expand our mind, our light, and our essence.
Listening to younger women discuss their challenges is also interesting as it is clear they are asking questions normally explored by older women.  They have more career choices, but there is a price to pay for their freedom.  Child bearing ages are changing and adoption is more prevalent.  Attitudes towards marriage are also shifting as well as politics, religion, and environmental issues.
We all have an opinion with the right to express it and it is most important to use our voice.  By speaking out loud or through the written word, we respect and celebrate who we truly are ... not our bodies, but the spirit within.  The truth is we feel ageless inside.  At the core of our being, we are much the same at any age.  Yes, we grow wiser, but our sense of self does not become limited over the years, but expanded.

No matter what age we are admitting to, let's keep our light strong.  We have a great deal to learn from each other, so we need to keep fueling our fires, helping each other to find our way.

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