Thursday, October 17, 2013

Building Our Own Fire


"Understand and be confident
that each of us can make a difference
by caring and acting in small
as well as big ways."
Marian Wright Edelman
When we turn inward, harvesting our gifts and talents, we frequently are making unnoticed gestures out into the world.   The spiritual path has twists and turns, and we can never be certain what may arise around the next bend.  Even after we leave a place, we never know for sure exactly how our presence unfolded out into the world.
When our body, mind and spirit are aligned, we emit a powerful energy that attracts others.  The vibration of our energy ignites the dimly lit flame within the unsuspecting hearts of those who are around us.  When twigs and sticks are gathered, a fire may begin.  When additional wood is slowly added, a strong fire builds.  The fire can be seen from afar without us ever knowing who has witnessed the carefully orchestrated pile of wood.
When we pull in our energy from searching outside of our selves, we raise our vibration, connecting our sparks of desire, wishes or hopes.  When we focus on our God given abilities, Divine Spirit can use us at will.  Divine purpose can be slowly building our fire.
We must listen for the whisperings, nudging us to buy those paints or take that class in spite of feeling silly or unprepared.  We will not be totally ready and if we were prepared, we would never need the class.  Allow our self to be the student, to learn and expand.  A whim can catch on to greater things or it may be an individual experience so articulate that it will speak to us forever.

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