Sunday, September 22, 2013

Success At Many Levels


"The planet does not need more successful people.
The planet desperately needs more peace makers,
healers, restorers, storytellers, and
lovers of all kinds."
Dalai Lama
The word success is often times misunderstood.  Way too often, it is linked with the word famous.  One does not have to be famous in order to be successful.  Early in my career while working with struggling families, I wanted to be successful.  I wanted to be a miracle worker and heal the lives of those I served.  It simply doesn't work that way.
It did not take me long to adjust the measure of success with my families goals. There would be so many issues, I would have to focus on just one at a time. Success came in increments minus the bells and whistles or fame. 
It doesn't take long for one to discover the many levels of success.  Just observe a new born as it develops through the first year.  Success with a smile, but greater success with a word.  The following successes of rolling over, sitting up, talking or walking are not greater than nor lesser than earlier accomplishments.
If we could extract the force of competiton, replacing it with praise for individual merit, perhaps we would be living in a more calm existence.  Divine Spirit creates us to be authentic and unique, using our personal gifts and talents blending with each other.  We are not all deemed for fame.  We are all encouraged to be the very best we can be with the strengths we have been so generously given.
Let us focus on what we do best and use our creativity to expand and perfect it as best as we can.  When we are centered on what we love to do, we have a stronger sense of self and are more peaceful.  How we feel inside of our selves is directly reflected out into the world.  Our feel good energy is carried out into the collective energy. 
Our culture has not particularly bred respect for diversity.  It is unusual in original peoples coming to the New World were seeking to avoid oppression; yet, the people over powered residents already peacefully established.    
Our elders need to be respected and not isolated.  Our children displaying original talents need to be encouraged to follow a supportive path.  By following our dreams, we will be more love based and tolerant of others.  We all want to be heard, touched and loved as we are and not as puppets to be fulfilling family expectations. 
Recently, I heard about an older woman living on a fixed income.  She planted a garden to supply herself with produce not always affordable to her.  The first year, she had plenty for herself and a little extra to share.  The next year, neighbors planted gardens too.  Together they had quite a bit of produce to give away and had formed a friendly atmosphere as they worked together.  The following year, still others joined creating a neighborhood garden project to feed neighbors in need and the homeless.  These actions helped individuals to feel better about themselves, developed friendships, and created a more peaceful environment.  My friend this is success!

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