Monday, September 2, 2013

Onion or Lotus?

"We create boundaries and develop defenses to protect ourselves and then, at a certain point, we outgrow them.  If we don't allow ourselves to shed our protective layer, we can't expand to our full potential."

Madisyn Taylor

No matter how old we are, the time comes when we need to erect protection, hoping it will ward off the darkness of others or keep us from being noticed.  This invisible protection may be a necessary requirement for survival, but there also comes the time when it is no longer needed.  With confidence, we know we can draw the wall of protection around us if needed, so it becomes like a garage door, opening and closing at will.  As our life evolves, we may give up our heavy armor of protection for something lighter, like a veil.  The veil can remain in place, but pulled to the side when feeling safe. 

Years ago, when I received my first massage, the massage therapist asked if she could make a comment.  I always welcomed input, but did not always embrace opinions of others.  She said, "It is the strangest thing.  When I am working on you, I see things headed right towards you, but before they reach you, you turn to stone.  Do you know anything about that?" 

I immediately laughed, as I knew exactly what she was referring to.  I told her, "I am always prepared to put up a shield whenever anything comes towards me."  Pursuing this line of conversation, she inquired, "Why do you do that?"  The answer was easy, "I throw up a wall of protection so no one will ever hurt me again."  This of course made perfect sense to me.  The massage therapist's words became more intentional, "But if you maintain a wall, you not only keep the hurt out, you keep the love out as well." Point well taken.

Moving forward, I began to explore the layers of protection around me.  There were so many I didn't need any more simply based on the fact I was now an adult, no longer a child.  As I began to peel off the outer layers, I began to learn more about myself.  This process of shedding skin, tended to make me frequently cry, which reminded me of course of peeling an onion.

As life moved forward, I seemed to transition into a light. I feel rather transparent as I have learned that it is safe to be me. I embrace the sacred, and release the rest. The heaviness is long gone, as I feel the presence of Divine Spirit in all things, watching over me.

After years of learning how to lower my barriers, to dissolve my armor, and to strengthen boundaries, I decided  I needed a better symbol than an onion.  My new symbol became a lotus flower, with petals gently unfolding with peace and calm.


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