Monday, September 30, 2013

The World is a Rose

"The world is a rose;
smell it and pass it
to your friends."
Persian Proverb
We learn from the world surrounding us, either through observation, participation, or deliberate search.  We may consciously or unconsciously be taking in the fragrance of the world, but why not share the experience with others?

During the gathering of some women, one lady asked, "And who saw the blue moon last night?"  Excitedly, everyone responded at once.  We had all seen it, but now we added the elements from other stories.  One saw it through her bathroom window; another was out on her back deck; there was one who saw it while driving home in her car; and lastly, a person who stood in her driveway with her pajama's on. 

We all laughed in the telling of where we individually were, but the conversation continued about what we each saw.  There were very differing accounts of what additional things these women saw in the sky.  A variety of things mentioned greatly pertained to the position, movement, and images of the stars.  

The world is filled with fragrances and when we slow down and pay attention we can be easily engaged in an underlying excitement.  When we share these fragrances with our family or friends, the conversation deepens the experience, not only ours, but theirs as well.

It is through the sharing of our experiences that a connection grows.  The bonds of family or friends are strengthened.  We gain the experience of the lovely garden of life through our own senses, and through the eyes of others as well.

"My lifetime listens to yours."
Muriel Rukeyser

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Embracing What Is ...


"We turn to God for help when
our foundation is shaking,
only to recognize that
it is God who is shaking it."
Charles Weston
We feel quite secure with everything going as planned.  We find a loose thread, and when we pull it, we find that it is still attached.  Reacting to our pull, the thread dislodges rows of what had been perfect form.  We might feel the slightest foreboding that something is amiss, but usually we are caught completely off guard. 
When our well planned intention begins to go awry, we feel disoriented or perhaps even frozen into place.  It is difficult to understand how things can shift so quickly, especially when we thought we were on stable ground.  It is only with the passing of time we can adjust, and begin to rebuild a new sense of security.
There are other times we pine for a certain promotion or new home or addition to the family.  We are filled with anticipation, anxiously awaiting the new prospect to take physical form.  Then when all is said and done, we find our selves struggling.  With the new job, we are now experiencing the full extent of the more advanced responsibilities.  The new house is losing its charm as we discover the hidden faulty wiring or plumbing.  The addition to the family has settled in with a whole new set of demands. 
Challenges and change are very difficult to embrace, especially when unexpected.  They cause us to examine things in a new way or build an entirely new routine.  Change forces us to take a new direction causing us to change for the better. 
When life shakes us up, wake up.  Challenge is offering us the opportunity to create life in a new space.  Look for the good and remain focused on what blessings may come.  When we get stuck looking at our old life, we are not using all of our energy to move forward.  Through resistance, our transition grows more difficult.  Embrace change in the best way possible, expecting nothing but the best in return.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Bearing Creative Expression


"The deepest experience of the creator is feminine,
for it is experience of receiving and bearing.
Rainer Maria Rilke

Remember each individual has both a feminine and a masculine side.  We are not referencing woman ~vs~ man.  We are exploring the feminine in both women and men.  I listened to an older interview with Jack Kornfield  this morning.  As a young boy, his father sternly instructed him not to cry; therefore, he was taught to withhold or repress natural emotion.   Displaying emotion had been regarded as feminine, definitely not masculine.
Some little boys were directed to sports rather than play a violin or paint or dance.  The feminine side in men can really be misdirected.  Little girls were encouraged not to be rough or tumble.  The athletic abilities were minimized as they were praised for being little ladies.
Today, this is not so much the case.  Parents seem to be allowing their children to flower or unfold in the manner they wish.  Every child needs affirmations and encouragement, as well as adults.  Hopefully, we never stop exploring.  At any age, we may need a boost.
Both genders can create and experience an incubation period. As we bear this creative expression, we allow our imagination to flourish and not be subdued by the negative input of our own ego or others.  We feed the prospect with healthy thoughts, words, and deeds. 
The birthing our our project can have a long labor, so male or female needs to balance, pace, and be gentle with  the experience processing inside.  If we have used positive energy throughout, our creative expression will thrive.  And if not, approach the idea again after learning why the intention did not survive.
There is a great need for all of us to embrace both our masculine and feminine sides to bring balance not only to our selves, but into our culture as well.  For all of us, there is a time to exert our masculine side of giving out into the world, and also a time for our feminine side to creatively nurture all that we are meant to be.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Deed of the Decade

"Forget what anybody else is doing or thinking
and discover your special offering for the world."
Kristen White
A message announcing International Book Week circulated around my writers group.  Teri gave us the fun challenge to grab the book closest to us, turn to page 52, and read the fifth sentence.  I joined the fun and did as she instructed.  The quote above is the sentence I found.
We easily observe the gifts and talents of others, but when it comes to self-evaluation, we can get pretty intimated.  If we think in terms of our strengths, answers come a little more readily.  So we can make notes of our strengths, and create outlets to contribute what we do best.
Earlier in my career, I found my self attending many committees and boards.  When distributing tasks, I always ended up with assignments that did not hone my strengths.  The chair was not capitalizing on the talents before her/him.  The following month, I was pleasantly surprised.  The chair of the meeting announced what needed to be done and passed around a sheet to sign up for what we felt most comfortable doing.  It was amazing!  People attending displayed much more enthusiasm and responded in a more supportive way.  Creative ideas easily surfaced.
So what is it we do well?  What brings us pleasure, challenge, and creativity?  There is a saying, "If you have passion for what you do, you never work a day of your life."  We are not all rocket scientists nor artists, but we each have an individual energy that can be funneled out into the world.  It may not be the deed of the decade, but when we each contribute our donation it transitions into the whole.  Many small deposits of positive diversity creates an interesting flow.
Unfortunately, we tend to take our gifts for granted.  We think of what we do as something common to all peoples ... if I can do it, anyone can.  Simply not true!  One does not have to be an expert to share what they know or what they do.  It is better to do make many small gestures, than not to gesture at all! 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Written for you ...

This was written for you by Virginia Satir:

“I am Me. In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me. Everything that comes out of me is
authentically mine, because I alone chose it -- I own everything about me: my body, my feelings,
my mouth, my voice, all my actions, whether they be to others or myself. I own my fantasies, my
dreams, my hopes, my fears. I own my triumphs and successes, all my failures and mistakes.

Because I own all of me, I can become intimately acquainted with me. By so doing, I can love me and be friendly with all my parts. I know there are aspects about myself that puzzle me, and other aspects that I do not know -- but as long as I am friendly and loving to myself, I can courageously and hopefully look for solutions to the puzzles and ways to find out more about me.

However I look and sound, whatever I say and do, and whatever I think and feel at a given moment in time is authentically me. If later some parts of how I looked, sounded, thought, and felt turn out to be unfitting, I can discard that which is unfitting, keep the rest, and invent something new for that which I discarded.

I can see, hear, feel, think, say, and do. I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive, and to make sense and order out of the world of people and things outside of me. I own me, and therefore, I can engineer me. I am me, and I am Okay.”

Virginia Satir

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Goodness in all Directions


"The fragrance of flowers spreads only
in the direction of the wind,
but goodness of a person
spreads in all directions."
There are some people who just seem sincerely joyful all of the time.  No matter what the circumstance, when we are with them, we automatically feel safe and secure.  They lighten our mood, easily cause us to laugh, and we feel special.  These people are not the ones who give us lip service, just telling us what they think we want to hear.  The people I refer to are like the flowers of the earth.
As flowers of the earth, normal every day people take on a lovely appearance;  they project a sweetness to all peoples passing by;  and faithfully decorate our lives in every passing season.  These flowers of the earth if questioned, would really not know these things about themselves.  They regard themselves just as one of many in life's beautiful garden.  The sweet abundance of goodness extends beyond their personal awareness.
I had such a friend years ago.  She was a vibrant soul to all while being a wife, a mother, and very active participant in community related events.  I had the privilege of staying in her home while visiting, and observed her consistently joyful state of mind.  I found my self wondering how she kept this attitude day in and day out.
"Don't you ever get tired of being so happy," I asked.  "I mean, doesn't it exhaust you to put that kind of energy out all of the time?"  She was startled by my questions as though she had no idea what I was talking about.  This wasn't an act, not some performance in her life.  She was capable of living freely, thankful, and filled with gratitude. 
Quite a discussion followed, but here is the condensed version.  She did not think of herself controlling her life.  She said a long time ago she had given her entire self to God to be used in this life time for the highest good.  "I am no longer in the driver seat," she said.  "I just sit back and enjoy the ride, worrying about nothing as all is as it should be."
Although my friend may sound like a Pollyanna, she certainly was not.  She experienced life deeply, even through the death of her husband at a very early age.  Mother of three, she continued on.  She was a strong, deep rooted flower in a Sacred Garden, defying the turbulence of nature.  I have not seen her in years, but every once in a while, there will be a sweet fragrance lingering in the air, and I hope it is her ... remembering me.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Storm-Troubled Sphere

"No coward soul is mine,
No trembler in the world's storm-troubled sphere:
I see heaven's glories shine,
And faith shines equal, arming me from fear."
Emily Bronte
If there is a crisis, I can be spot on.  I can use the adrenaline rush to pick up pieces and build support.  On the other hand, if I am in personal crisis, I can pretty much freeze in place.  There is no adrenaline to be rushing anywhere.  My system seems to just shut down.
The world's storm troubled sphere has blown me in every direction and I have been a strong wayfarer.   When all is said and done,  is when my trembling begins.  It is only when the storm passes that  I allow myself to view the spinning that attempts to leave me undone. 
It is when I am weak and tired, surveying the damage, that I finally look to the heaven's hoping to find faith in the sun.  The warmth and radiant glow heals my broken parts, until I once again feel as one.
It is not as though I wait until the end to call upon Spirit, as I try to lead with the Divine in each moment's presence.  I often beg for understanding how to face the storm without fight.  "Let me understand," I pray.  If I can see what is rooted in the pain or anger, comprehension can trigger new insight and corrective measures.
Unfortunately, so many of us are driven by fear.  So much so, fear is like a dictator keeping us from discovery and progression.  We must learn to step bravely through our fears, reaching the other side assisted by faith and trust in the Divine. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Preparation for Dream Time

"Dreams are stories made by and for the dreamer,
and each dreamer has his own folds to open
and knots to untie."
Siri Hustvedt
Dreams contain an amazing language with symbols unique to each dreamer.  Understanding dreams is like most anything else.  They take time, some discipline and understanding.  Per several requests, I will share a process to further any interest readers may have.
Truth be told, I have a plethora of dream books.  If I were to recommend just one, it most definitely would be Wilda B. Tanner's The Mystical Magical Marvelous World of Dreams.  This is my "go to book" as it contains a wonderful cross section of information.  Not only is a dictionary, but more importantly, it teaches the reader how to understand people, places, and things.  In a very "user friendly" way, she discusses the importance of paying attention to the background of a dream.  She will explain the importance of noticing where the dreamer is in the dream and other information normally overlooked.
To those who do not believe they dream at all, let me refer to scientific data stating we all dream usually three to five dreams per night, especially during REM which is our deepest time of sleep. Within five minutes of waking, a person has already forgotten half of the dream and within ten minutes, 90% has been forgotten.
 This is how we can train ourselves. The night before, swiftly run through your day mentally. Recall every incident no matter how trivial or annoying. This gets the clutter out of your mind so your dream can contain things of greater importance. If you have an agenda for the next day, jot down a list of things you need to do tomorrow. This again takes away "busy-ness"from the brain. The last thing to do is say a mantra such as, "I will remember my dream."Once you get this into place, you will be able to choose topics for exploring. It all takes time and discipline.

Let me share some tips:  keep a tape recorder by the bed and even before opening your eyes, speak into the recorder.  Many times, as we report, more information comes back to us.  Another approach is to leave a tablet or journal by the alarm  clock so it will instantly remind you to write down as much as you can remember.  My personal favorite is to wear something on my finger or wrist that is uncomfortable.  In the morning, when the awareness of my discomfort occurs prior to fully awakening, I immediately start recalling my dream.  Once trained, this is not necessary.
While recording a dream, go as fluidly as you can.  Jot down everything that surfaces no matter how trivial something may seem.  In the days, weeks, and years to come, the one small part purposely deleted may have been the key to unlocking the dream. 
In writing down three individual dreams, the content may appear to be on completely different topics;  however, when viewed at a later date, one can clearly see that all three dreams were trying to make a point using totally different scenarios.
"Why bother," one may ask.  I could joyfully use a year of posts to cover this very subject.  Dreams have been regarded as important since 5000 ~ 4000 BC.  Many cultures revere the content of dreams.  Romans, for example, turned unusual dreams into the senate for interpretation.  Native Americans had individuals regarded as the dream keepers.  They would listen to the dreams, sifting through the content.  Some tribes also had all of the children upon awakening meet with a designated dreamer who would teach the children how to understand and learn from the dream time.
We are no different.  Yes, some dreams may seem silly or preposterous, but there is always a message or reflection.  It make take a few days or a few more dreams to understand what we are trying to tell ourselves, but in time, if we remain open, the message comes.
Keep your questions coming:


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Success At Many Levels


"The planet does not need more successful people.
The planet desperately needs more peace makers,
healers, restorers, storytellers, and
lovers of all kinds."
Dalai Lama
The word success is often times misunderstood.  Way too often, it is linked with the word famous.  One does not have to be famous in order to be successful.  Early in my career while working with struggling families, I wanted to be successful.  I wanted to be a miracle worker and heal the lives of those I served.  It simply doesn't work that way.
It did not take me long to adjust the measure of success with my families goals. There would be so many issues, I would have to focus on just one at a time. Success came in increments minus the bells and whistles or fame. 
It doesn't take long for one to discover the many levels of success.  Just observe a new born as it develops through the first year.  Success with a smile, but greater success with a word.  The following successes of rolling over, sitting up, talking or walking are not greater than nor lesser than earlier accomplishments.
If we could extract the force of competiton, replacing it with praise for individual merit, perhaps we would be living in a more calm existence.  Divine Spirit creates us to be authentic and unique, using our personal gifts and talents blending with each other.  We are not all deemed for fame.  We are all encouraged to be the very best we can be with the strengths we have been so generously given.
Let us focus on what we do best and use our creativity to expand and perfect it as best as we can.  When we are centered on what we love to do, we have a stronger sense of self and are more peaceful.  How we feel inside of our selves is directly reflected out into the world.  Our feel good energy is carried out into the collective energy. 
Our culture has not particularly bred respect for diversity.  It is unusual in original peoples coming to the New World were seeking to avoid oppression; yet, the people over powered residents already peacefully established.    
Our elders need to be respected and not isolated.  Our children displaying original talents need to be encouraged to follow a supportive path.  By following our dreams, we will be more love based and tolerant of others.  We all want to be heard, touched and loved as we are and not as puppets to be fulfilling family expectations. 
Recently, I heard about an older woman living on a fixed income.  She planted a garden to supply herself with produce not always affordable to her.  The first year, she had plenty for herself and a little extra to share.  The next year, neighbors planted gardens too.  Together they had quite a bit of produce to give away and had formed a friendly atmosphere as they worked together.  The following year, still others joined creating a neighborhood garden project to feed neighbors in need and the homeless.  These actions helped individuals to feel better about themselves, developed friendships, and created a more peaceful environment.  My friend this is success!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Deciphering Dreams



Virginia Carlson created Deciphering Dreams to empower others to align their dream world with every day experiences. Dreams are a form of language that is not only unique to each of us, but also intimate. We all have choice in declining or accepting information in our dreams and determining how to utilize this information. The pathways into a deeper understanding of the self opens when the dreamer brings awareness to the dream scape where hidden desires unfold. Dream interpretation helps all of us to comprehend the message waiting to be revealed in vivid dreams from childhood, recurring dreams, and nightmares. By exploring dream time symbols, we not only discover our personal issues, but thoughts from the Universal Collective as well.

Virginia Carlson has been aware of the messages in dreams since childhood. As a mother of four, combined with her education in Psychology and Sociology she has a solid foundation for understanding creativity of the mind. As a professional in-home counselor for individuals, families, and young children, she has been provided with a broad spectrum of hands on experience. Her passion for helping others coupled with her unique approach, have attracted the enthusiasm and support of local and distant communities. She is a Master level energy worker, prolific writer, and seasoned presenter.

Deciphering Dreams with Virginia Carlson explores day dreams; waking dreams; recurring dreams; prophetic dreams; past life recollections; universal symbols; and dreams appearing to be positively silly and preposterous. She uses her intuition as well as established public research to assist in understanding the entire spectrum of dreams. By using dream time language, desires or repressions come to the surface. Dream interpretation is about the dreamer, based on the dreamer’s own experiences, and uniquely linking the dreamer’s body, mind and spirit.

Unraveling a dream with Virginia Carlson is a fun and exciting experience. A simple technique to unlock the dreams of the dreamer is shared with each participant through the interpretation process.

To schedule an appointment or for further information, please email contact information: Additional work by Virginia Carlson may be viewed at

Friday, September 20, 2013

Get Back Up!

"If you have made mistakes ...
there is always another chance for you ...
You may have a fresh start at any moment you choose,
for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down,
but the staying down."
Mary Pickford  (1893-1979)
American Actress
In my early thirties, I became aware that I was using the words, mistake and failure, interchangeably.   Every mishap whether professional or personal reinforced a concept of failure on my part.  As usual, I was being way too critical of my self.  I soon began to re-frame my thoughts using mistake as a definition rather than failure.  I began to feel lighter and not as oppressed.
If a person is living on this glorious earth, he or she is experiencing challenges as they are the catalysts for growth.  We all stumble and quite often fall.  Even when we fall, however, we have the option to get back up.  We are not forced to stay down unless we believe this to be true.
There is an endless list of presidents, scientists, doctors, authors, and artists who tried again and again even when experiencing this thing called failure.  They didn't give up, they kept on leaning in until the creative forces linked efforts into success.
So it is not how many times we stumble or fall, it is about surging forward.  We all know that doing the same thing over and over expecting a different output is insanity, but each time we trip we can tweak our work or actions to make a positive difference.  
Or maybe our mistakes really lead us into other areas where we can excel.  We may be attempting to achieve something that is not our heart's desire.  Maybe our passion can be best served in an entirely different arena so Spirit is nudging us in different directions.
We can treat our selves more kindly just as we would a small toddler learning to walk for the very first time.  They tottle and fall, tottle and fall, and what do we do?  We encourage them to get up and try again.  They do, and they eventually run!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Keeping It Simple

"Life is not complex.
We are complex.
Life is simple,
and the simple thing is the right thing."
Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)
Irish Writer
Simple things can turn into long drawn out entanglements, by our own design.  We can continue to extrapolate situations caught up in attachments and false desires.  There is nothing wrong with abundance as long as we keep it simple.
When we tend to be financially strapped and are required to wait to buy or invest in something, we have a tendency to enjoy it more than when we are financially secure and impulsively purchase extravagant items we do not necessarily desire. 
Upon talking with a young man who worked full time while attending college, riding a bike to and from, and completing his education in five years, he still feels the sting of struggle.  Now, however, he is quite successful with a lucrative income.  He did mention that even though he had more money now, he felt  he just spent more, carrying his comfort zone into a higher unnecessary level. 
The same holds true with our thinking.  We may have a very basic thought, but ego will begin its self-talk, we begin to doubt our selves, and by padding our original thought with unnecessary chatter we get weighted down in a quagmire.
I considered having a friend over lunch, a really simple gesture.   Next I told my self that if I were going to have this person over, I should also include another person.  Then I imagined just having my whole group of friends over using china, goblets, silver, and cloth napkins.  Before I knew it, I was just exhausted thinking about this and decided to do nothing.
We have a tendency to over think and the original intent gets lost.  Company is coming so we decide to clean out the guest room.  The curtains could use washing, and then the walls need a little touch up, and maybe a new comforter with some fancy pillows. 
By deciding to either act or react, we can govern our intentions a little bit more efficiently.  When we react, we are not thinking in a well thought out process.  Kind of like a knee-jerk reaction that we may later regret.  Perhaps we take on too much or say too much.  When we decide to act upon an intention, we have usually given it consideration as to whether it is necessary or not.  We may find our selves scanning other options and inquiring of our selves honest commitment.
It helps to decide between need or want.  Do I really need something like another purse or am I just wanting it to fill some underlying need or acquiring something just because I can.  Listening to our inner dialogue, we can act rather than react.  The hardest part is paying attention to our own actions and mentoring our true desires.  Life is simple when refrain from making it complicated.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Dare to Begin

"All glory comes from daring to begin ..."
There seems to be a starting point for all things.  It may patiently hover around us, but it is there waiting for us to begin.  We have so many tactics to delay our beginning such as:  distractions, denial, avoidance, and resistance.  The discomfort we feel during this pregnant pause is greater than the insecurity of just pushing forth and starting.  Once we begin, crossing the threshold, we wonder why we waited so long!
We can be ridiculously creative as a child putting off what needs to be done.  Our ego is more than willing to use negative self-talk enabling us to abstain from experiencing personal power.  Waiting for the perfect time is simply a myth.  There is no time like the present. 
We live our lives as though we have forever when in fact that is not true.  We never know when opportunity will cease or when  life will end.  Divine Spirit places within our thoughts brilliant ideas, insights, and adventures.  Whether we act upon these planted seeds is up to our own free will.  It is clear that we have a choice as to whether or not we will have courage to follow through and bravely believe in our own dreams or let the desire fade away.
We can begin with a flourish with bells and whistles, attracting the attention of others or we can secretly move in increments,  slowly incubating our ultimate plan.  But my friend, dare to begin!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Harvest of Our Dreams

"There is only one thing that makes a dream
impossible to achieve:
the fear of failure."
Paulo Coelho
Soon fall will be here and hopefully it will be abundant.  It is a time to think back to spring, recalling what seeds we planted for things to grow, as harvest will soon be upon us.  We had all of winter to dream, spring to plant, summer to nurture, and now time to see what will be manifested.  We are reminded of  all the spiraling cycles of life.

When we hibernate in the winter, it is really important to journal different ideas presenting themselves.  It is helpful to keep a small notebook to jot down random creative thoughts that  would be surely forgotten by spring.

We next find ourselves pondering what creative crops to plant in spring.  Do we want to sprinkle a variety of seeds for possible opportunities or do we want one special focus to bury deeply in rich soil of thought and deed?  We can research our dreams to make certain our timing and purpose align.

During the summer, we nurture these hopeful dreams come true.  If we adequately fertilize, water and nurture our dream based creativity, surely sprouts will have the energy to push up through mother earth.  If we do not invest attention and expansion into our fertile minds, creative ideas will fizzle not thrive.

In the fall we feel the need to get organized, as the time for speculation has passed us by, leaving us with an eye for evaluating what will be harvested.  We examine what we have reaped, studying  crops to determine if the dream seeds have been incubated correctly or failed to thrive.  It is interesting to see where our abundance lies.  Where was our focus heaviest to produce our endeavors?

When we walk through our fields of dreams, we are often surprised by an idea  growing wild in the midst of of our plot.  Spirit often times plants an idea which catches us by surprise.  Do not be heavy laden by the illusion of fear.  Remain light hearted and thankful for whatever creation comes our way.  We can step through fear, safely harvesting the results of our intentions.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Light on the Edge

"A thought may touch
the edge of our life
with light."
John Trowbridge
American Writer

Everyone has experienced a time in life when some kind of understanding flashes across the mind's eye, but it disappears before we can apply words or comprehension.  There are other occasions when something is tickling our brain, just barely noticeable and yet annoying.  What is it that lingers just on the edge of  perception?
If we believe in the 'spiritual realm' we can speculate we have just been touched by 'an angel's wing' or a higher spirit has attempted to send us a special thought.  If we believe in past lives, we can wonder if something from a different life time was just triggered by a thought or word or action.  We may just refer to it as a magical moment.
When we enter this world, most of us believe our mind's are a clean slate, just waiting for experience to begin our collection of knowledge.  Then there are some  believing we enter this world with knowledge already imprinted on our brain.  In either case, one might sense the thought touching us with light, may have just found its way up through our cluttered minds or just bubbled up to the surface.
On occasion we may meet a person who will string random words together that suddenly dance in our heart.  We search this person's face to see if he has any way of reacting to our sudden inner moment, but there is none.  We may stop this person mid-sentence saying, "How did you know that?"  The person may respond, "Know what?"   
What makes sleeping thoughts suddenly awaken?  Is it coincidence that some sort of alignment takes place orchestrated from a different sphere?  We can feel comfort by explaining it as simple synchronicity. 
If we really think deeply, however, we can sense the presence of the Divine  in more ways than we comprehend.  We are not puppets, not all.  We have freedom of choice with no strings attached, and yet ... there seems to be some kind of system in place that drops bits of profound knowledge into our consciousness, just like depositing a coin in the parking meter.  And yes, in time the thought does run out of time. 
There is mystery in life bringing both sadness and beauty.  We have varying levels of understanding.  Some things we feel in our gut, while others we feel in our heart, and then of course there is always the grave pain in the ass.   It is up to us to decipher these enlightened thoughts or carelessly let them slip away.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Blending into Infinity

"Art isn't only a painting.
Art is anything that's creative, passionate and personal.
And great art resonates with the viewer,
not only with the creator."
Seth Godin
LINCHPIN: Are You Indispensable?
This afternoon, I found my self browsing through my old journals.  I choose one rather randomly and decided to give it a read.  It was twelve years old, and I could not help but notice how smoothly my hand had sprawled across the page.  Newspaper clippings, note cards, and ticket stubs were still  stapled to pages.  Here and there were sketches I had made. Each entry was dated, and as I read, I felt as though I was back in the very moment, as my body awakened to remember these times so well.
My very words were like water colors, gently flowing in soft hues.  Details were not always forthcoming, but as my mind slipped between the sentences, it was there I found the vibrant yet hidden emotions.  The paragraphs provided a landscape for me to roam, collecting old memories as if I were there, back home.
Friends had died, jobs had changed, and memories weaved in and out.  I fondly spent mental time in my lovely condo ... like a tree house ... and comforting to me.   My writings passed through all of the seasons, and cycles of the moon.  My strong masculine energy became balanced with the feminine, and I grew fully into me.  Brick by brick, the walls of protection came down, while I found the courage to stand behind a sheer and lovely veil.  I learned to let life pass through me, retaining only the good to sustain me.
I am not  that person any more, as I have increased some skills and replaced others.  I have stretched.  I have grown.  My perspective has softened and my lens has broadened.  Deeper understanding thrives and intuition ... oh, my.
My heart has healed and my spirit does soar, but there remains a tiny sliver of me, still longing to just 'be'.  To be soft as the pastel watercolors, gently flowing with each stroke of the brush, delicately blending into infinity.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Perfect Blend

"Life's not about learning to find your power,
it's about learning to use it."
The Universe

Marianne Williamson addressed the issue of women being afraid of their own power.  Most of us had never really thought about our own power as we were still in search of it.  Many of us were spoon fed fairy tales about the beautiful woman being found by the handsome prince. 
The women, often sleeping, were helpless without being rescued by some male image. 

Women were also led astray, by thinking of power in a masculine way.  Examples given in success were all male role models.  Unfortunately, for awhile, business women amped up their masculine power becoming just as aggressive as men.

There is a definite difference between male and feminine energy, and it is important to remember no matter which gender  a person is, he or  she has both masculine and feminine power.  Masculine qualities are described as:  assertiveness, muscular, provider, ambitious, competitive, authority, risk, dominate.   Feminine qualities are described as:  gentle, nurturing, family oriented, intuitive, compassionate,  creative, cooperative, responsive.  The ideal would be for either male or female to use these qualities in a mixture which best serves each situation.

In the last few decades, women have learned to break through the roles they had been cast in: look pretty, don't speak out, always be happy, let the male lead, etc...  Men have been breaking through their stereotypes as well:  show no emotion, never cry, don't be afraid to fight; be the one wearing the pants.  

In our culture today, we find several men staying at home providing the nurturing care of their children while the women are in careers providing the income.  With technology, many partners can work from their home sharing responsibilities.  The picture of the male and female role has individually changed as well as the image of the ideal couple.  Couples now often share household chores, grocery shopping, and meal preparation.

Earlier life has taught us consequences for being our selves and those scars remain in our subconscious.  So whenever we attempt to fully blend our masculine and feminine, fear is laced within the energy we create.  Self doubt and the inner critical voice has the ability to sabotage our best plans. 

A wonderful exercise is to form two columns on a piece of paper.  One column is labeled masculine and the other feminine.  List qualities we feel identified with on either side.  This gives us a personal reflection of which side we depend upon most.   Then when we complete this, turn the page over and compose the ideal balance using both masculine and feminine. By creating a template, we find ourselves better prepared for most any situation.   The realization of all the different possibilities is liberating!




Friday, September 13, 2013

Deciphering Dreams



Virginia Carlson created  Deciphering Dreams to empower others to align their dream world with every day experiences. Dreams are a form of language that is not only unique to each of us, but also intimate. We all have choice in declining or accepting information in our dreams and determining how to utilize this information. The pathways into a deeper understanding of the self opens when the dreamer brings awareness to the dream scape where hidden desires unfold. Dream interpretation helps all of us to comprehend the message waiting to be revealed in vivid dreams from childhood, recurring dreams, and nightmares. By exploring dream time symbols, we not only discover our personal issues, but thoughts from the Universal Collective as well.

Virginia Carlson has been aware of the messages in dreams since childhood.   As a mother of four, combined with her education in Psychology and Sociology she has a solid foundation for understanding creativity of the mind. As a professional in-home counselor for individuals, families, and young children, she has been provided with a broad spectrum of hands on experience. Her passion for helping others coupled with her unique approach, have attracted the enthusiasm and support of local and distant communities. She is a Master level energy worker, prolific writer, and seasoned presenter.

Deciphering Dreams with Virginia Carlson explores day dreams; waking dreams; recurring dreams; prophetic dreams; past life recollections; universal symbols; and dreams appearing to be positively silly and preposterous. She uses her intuition as well as established public research to assist in understanding the entire spectrum of dreams. By using dream time language, desires or repressions come to the surface.  Dream interpretation is about the dreamer, based on the dreamer’s own experiences, and uniquely linking the dreamer’s body, mind and spirit. 

Unraveling a dream with Virginia Carlson is a fun and exciting experience. A simple technique to unlock the dreams of the dreamer is shared with each participant through the interpretation process.

To schedule an appointment or for further information, please email contact information:    Additional work by Virginia Carlson may be viewed at

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Eyes Closed in Deeper Space

"Say what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be BRAVE!"

Kristin Fontana
Evolutionary Astrologer

Numerous women came together monthly to discuss common topics of interest based on books the group would choose.  As the facillator, I received insights from all of these women bringing their personal experiences to the discussion table.  The gathering always entertained me, but also educated me on how we vary in our interpretations.  Our perspectives were authentic in that they were viewed through our unique looking glass.
As the leader, I encouraged everyone to share, but no one was ever forced to do so.  It took time for these randomly collected women to build trust and the sense of safety.   An elder woman faithfully attended, driving an hour just to attend.  She always arrived late, and seldom spoke.  To the group, it appeared that she would nod off during the hour.  I personally hoped it would ensure her safety while traveling back to her home. 
As time passed, however, we were surprised to discover that even though her eyes were closed, and even though she sometimes snored,  she was listening all along.  When she was feeling brave, she would highlight particular points of the discussion from within the hour.  She reflected deeper insights and understandings than we ever imagined she had. 
This book club continued for numerous months.  It was during one these meetings this elder woman finally felt safe enough to share.  She gathered her courage and spoke steadily about her many challenging years on this earth and how she had survived.  She was a woman of strength knowing how to use her personal power.  Her story reflected the tools she had learned along the way.  One of the tools was the art of listening.  She could calmly sit, partially withdrawn, and listen only with her heart.  She closed her eyes for fewer distractions, while observing the visualizations the words created in her head.  This amazing woman, a treasure in disguise, seldom spoke as she felt the need  to disclose truths only when prompted by spirit. 
Her words went something like this:  All of you are younger and still wandering in the desert seeking spiritual aspects of self.  I am your elder, and I have gathered my truths and no longer wander.  I withdraw into spiritual connection learning to use all of my senses when exploring my life collected truths. 
One on one, I met with this deepened spirit until she passed a few years back.  She would always arrive late and often closed her eyes.  I knew she was listening to me from a deeper level which encouraged me to speak bravely and choose my thoughts and words carefully.  I wanted to give her my truths, not chatter.  I became aware, however, being quiet and present with her was a learning experience in itself. 
As I have aged, I have learned the lesson in seeking and exploring.  I have discovered the need to share what if and how can this be questions.  I developed the courage to bravely speak out, but I now prefer the not yet mastered art of listening.  So if I close my eyes, yes, I am still listening.  I remain present, just from a deeper space. 


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Tug of War Between Isolation and Solitude


"It's an interesting combination:  Having a great fear of being alone, and having a desperate need for solitude and the solitary experience.  That's always been a tug of war for me.."

Jodie Foster

We come into the world alone, and we leave the world alone.  In between these two events, we experience a loneliness that is perhaps a longing to return to a 'home' we once knew.  There is a difference, I have learned, between solitude and isolation.  Solitude can offer inspiration, a reconnection with our heart's desire, or simple time to balance out our busy-ness of life.  On the other hand, isolation is being cut off, disengaged from people and life itself, which obviously is not a good thing.

There are mornings when we are almost awake, and we yearn to return to the dream state.  We want to extend the time designated for rest.  This desire is not based on wanting to hide from the world or dodge our emotional bullets.  It is perhaps a need to just be out of the physical for just a little while longer, suspended in visualization, creative scenery, or spiritual respite. 

There are those who meet this need through waking dreams, meditation, or contemplation.  The need to have 'time out' is necessary for all of us.  As we are no longer children, there is no one to tell us to go sit in a corner or go to our room until we are willing to be respectful.  As an adult, we need to make this decision our selves to restore a sense of balance and personal direction.

By giving our selves time to be alone, we actually enhance our living experience.  We can release stress, gain a different perspective, and enjoy the presence of the voice within.  Establishing balance on a regular basis, we are better prepared to face the dualities of life.  We can tolerate the gray a lot longer rather than impulsively jumping to black or white.  It brings us pause to consider other options.

Through the experience of solitude, we are able to just 'be' in the moment, to unplug or disengage.  The sense of not being pulled from every direction, allows us to remember what peace feels like.  The time alone is not only for our over analytical racing mind, but also for our physical body as well.

We need to be gentle with our lovely selves, to take time to regroup and restore.  Our surrounding family, friends, and co-workers probably wish we balance our energy more often!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Loving Hand

"Let others lead small lives,
but not you.
Let others argue over small things,
but not you.
Let others cry over small hurts,
but not you.
Let others leave their future in someone else's hands,
but not you.
John Rohn

Like other tools, our hands can be used in either positive or negative action.  They can offer love or hate.  We can choose to use these tools for nurturing or destroying.  The choice is ours.

It is my choice to use my hands for the betterment of my self as well as others.  Whenever I am experiencing pain, I try to locate the exact root of the pain.  I can place my hand directly on this place and quietly ask what my body is trying to tell me.  I can say an affirmation, use a mantra, quietly chant, or accompany the experience with music.  The important thing is to then listen to what your body is trying to tell you.  Whether I place my hand on my head, heart, or belly, I feel a connection with the body, mind and spirit.  While my hand is held in place, I imagine the discomfort disengaging from my body.  I can imagine the pressure in my head being released up through my head;  the pressure in my chest embraced by the love of Divine; the disrupt in my belly can escape down into mother earth.  If this sounds doubtful, Thomas, you need to try it right now.

The same efforts can be used with a child, partner, or friend.  If they are experiencing 'dis-ease' in the body, place hands on that body part.  Send loving thoughts and Divine love into the specific area.  We will be amazed at what a difference we can make.  Talk softly to them, encouraging healthy prayer or connection with their Divine. 

We do this all of the time.  We lovingly embrace friends, exchanging loving feelings.  We shake hands to make a connection with a stranger.  We lovingly touch our children, elders, or pets.  We extend passion through our hands while gardening, painting, writing, or tinkering.  Loving care extended through our hands with healthy thoughts produces improved living.

Cultures, religions, organizations and small groups have formed circles and held hands throughout history.  We share a link with each other allowing the circulation of the loving kindness within us all.  There is more strength in our intentions when there is more than one person for form the connection.

Let's give everyone we encounter a loving hand!