Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Constant Change

"When you change the way
you look at some things,
the things you look at

Wayne Dyer    

Wayne Dyer has been a long time favorite of mine.  He has written a long list of successful books, promoted others, and frequently presents on Public Broadcasting Stations.  Having a long history of success, Wayne Dyer has always stayed his path.  In spite of wealth, and recognition, Mr. Dyer has avoided being misled, and continues to grow deeper within his spiritual understanding.  His experiences and knowledge are always written with a voice of 'sharing', not preaching.  He engages the reader or listener to revisit his experiences with him, to be a part of his journey rather than making him a guru.  He has made Maui his home with his wife and many children embracing the community surrounding him.

The subject is change.  Too frequently, I resist change rather than breaking it down into increments and transitioning slowly.  It is also a misconception of mine, that we are always to embrace change with a happy smile.  This simply is not true.  Not only is it acceptable to be uncomfortable with change, in certain situations, we don't even have to acquiesce.  Sometimes, we just need to look at something from a different angle to see a different point of view.  We don't have to agree or accept.  The importance is to simply grasp what another person sees.

By viewing something from a different aspect, may make us uncomfortable.  Being uncomfortable does not make the bigger picture inaccurate.  Being uncomfortable only reflects our personal preference or belief which happens to not be in accord at the moment.

Change happens all of the time.  Change surrounds us.  Children grow, flowers bloom, temperatures fluctuate, dawn to dusk, light to dark, fresh to stale, hot to cold or cold to hot, impulsive yes or no, rotating shoes we wear, menus, diets, sleeping patterns, and temperaments.  Change is the only constant in life.  We take issue with change when it does not suit us completely or even partially.  The majority of change, we have absolutely no control over.  

Not all changes are good, and often times changes appearing to look negative result in positive.  So what can we do?  We can not rush to judgment, but rather look at the change from varying degrees.  We can search for other colors of the change rather than settling for just black and white.

It is also important to not feel rushed into making decisions about change.  We need to take our time.  What's the rush?  As my sister of the heart, Teri, says, "I need to sit on this for awhile." Our impulsive decisions may not rest with us quite as well the next day.  If we wait until we can approach change with a well thought out plan, change may never bother us again!  

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