Monday, July 8, 2013

The Spin of the Spiral

“The interwoven spheres and vines ran along the bottom. I'd done some research, and I'd found this motif everywhere. These overlapping circles were ancient, tracing back to Pythagorean geometry--geometry, a measure of the world. In more mystical terms, the shape had always evoked tghe place where world overlap: dreaming with waking, death with life, the visible with the unseen.”

Kim Edwards

Although a triangle is my most favorite symbol, life seems to present it self repeatedly in the symbol of spirals.  Circles have been used as symbols since the beginning of time.  The most common way I envision the navigation of life is in the form of a labyrinth. 

This morning I have been browsing through JOURNEY TO WHOLENESS by my friend, Judith Corvin-Blackburn.  It is such a user friendly resource and I find my self returning to it time and again.  I can hear my inner self saying, "I know this.  I have learned this before!"  And yet, here I am again, learning in a deeper way.  When will I ever be finished?  When will I ever maintain the sense of wholeness? 

In her book, JOURNEY TO WHOLENESS, Judith Corvin-Blackburn states:  "Our multi-layered mind demands a lot of examining.  Because of its many contradictory and hidden parts, uncovering our self-limiting beliefs takes time, unshakable honesty, and creativity.  We have been taught to hide from ourselves, and now we must unlearn this."

My life unfolds in a continuous spiral, repeating lesson after lesson.  I advance, being pulled forward, but still in the spin of the spiral.  Round and round I go, filling with vision, color, and sound.  It is a challenge at times to decipher if I am actually climbing upward or lapsing into a downward  fall.  Movement:  it reminds me that I continue to stretch and grow; it  mesmerizes my very soul; brings dance to the hum of the world; the brush of angel wings; the flight of the butterfly; and the whispering breath of Spirit. Without the spin of the spiral, I would be no where at all.

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