Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Deciding to Begin


"I laugh when I think of how many hours I have spent in my life weaving storylines that never came true until, like weeds, they covered my heart.  It is as if the light, in infinite patience, won't force itself into our hearts.  No, it seems to wait and wait for us to open, content to fill whatever small space we can clear in ourselves." 

Mark Nepo

Everyone has their own reality, their own interpretation of truth.  When I view my life, my daily existence, and my immediate place in time, I like to remind my self that my view is my story.  Every one of us has our edited story or our personal view. 

If my life story is gnarled with unhappy experiences that have gone unresolved, than chances are very high that I hold the same perception of my current existence and even in my immediate exchanges.  If I had been treated unfairly, then I may perceive my world as being unfair as well as the actions of others.  Our behavioral patterns are deeply ingrained and play out repeatedly, enforcing the original thought pattern.

Therapy, counseling or mentoring can assist us in releasing or healing issues of our past.  The bottom line, however, is loving our beautiful self, and disowning all hurtful judgements of others.  We must believe in our own authentic gifts and talents;  recall our original state of love; and embrace from deep within all parts of our selves.

As we begin to unravel incidents from our past, as though we were weeding a garden, the positive aspects of our nature can stretch and bloom.  Our roots will be healthier as we nurture our self-appraisal with kind words and praise for jobs well done.  The sun can then begin to reach our hearts, warm our souls, and bring awareness of the beauty surrounding us.  It begins with our inner self , only if we are willing. We must decide to begin. 


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