Thursday, June 27, 2013

Inborn Tune

"A bird half wakened in the lunar noon
 Sang halfway through its inborn tune."

Robert Frost 

With coffee brewing, I went through my stretch routine.  I began welcoming Spirit into my heart, and then in closure thanked Spirit for being present.  I take this very seriously, very seriously.  This morning while I was closing my little session, I could not stay balanced and began to tip to one side, and then in an attempt to right my self, tipped to the other.  I laughed out loud. I realized at this point, life is not to be taken seriously all of the time.  I felt as though Divine Spirit was laughing with me, saying, "Now you've got it.  Balance your life with humor!"

Coffee cup in hand, I wandered out onto the back deck.  Although it was warm, there was a pleasant breeze.  I immediately looked for the male cardinal usually back over my shoulder singing his song.  It was odd not to find him there.  I let my eyes roam through the trees trying to find this radiantly red cardinal who greets me every morning but  I could not see him anywhere.

So I decided to sit with high awareness, to see if I could sense which tree he was in.  I could feel the presence of this bird, but could not locate his exact position.  Then he began to sing his inborn tune as I experienced joy spread into my heart.  I opened my eyes and still could not find him, but his song was loud and clear.

It occurred to me that this hide and seek game with the red cardinal was so much like my daily awareness.   Sometimes I just assume Divine Spirit is right over my shoulder and I blunder through my day.  More often, however, I can be deeply aware of Spirit's presence throughout the day, feeling joy in my heart.

I carried this joy in my heart all day and found myself slipping into  mantras just like they were my inborn tunes.  How much easier my day unfolded, with each hour filled with my silent songs.

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