Saturday, June 1, 2013

Decision Making

Whenever an answer, a solution or a creative idea is needed,
stop thinking for a moment
by focusing your attention on your inner energy field.
Become aware of the stillness.

Eckhart Tolle
Oneness With All Life 

Whenever we face a challenge, our brains usually kick in searching for resolve.  We may grow anxious during our search which immediately interferes with cognition.  We can then mix and match a few things together forming a band aid for the problem or we resource the entire problem out for someone else to solve.  

The best reaction to a challenge, is to not react at all, but to simply sit with it for a while in silence.  We hold fear and anxiety at bay as we quietly listen to wisdom or nudges we receive from within.  If a resolution does not immediately appear, then choose not to come to a decision for awhile.  Carry on with other tasks until there is time to just pause in silence once again, listening for insight.  Keep drama and unnecessary emotion at bay, while we blend our thinking with our heart to determine the best action for all involved.

Realizing some decisions need to be made immediately, there are others that can benefit from lingering thoughts.  Years ago, a friend mentioned to me that it took Jesus the Christ three days to rise from the dead.  The friend told me to give any problem three days to work itself out.  I felt this was worth trying, and I have used it numerous times throughout my life challenges.

A solution created today, may not be as good as the one made after some time has passed.  We can avoid being impulsive or  repressing our emotions as they are somewhat sitting on a back burner.  If we maintain the attitude of searching for the best calculation and not feel pressured into quick decision, we find ourselves in a very different space, thinking more clearly, after a few days have passed.  I have repeatedly found the decisions I have made after three days have been much better long term remedies for all concerned than the quick fix of three days ago.

So next time we are contemplating an appropriate answer to a problem, simply pause.  Sit with the situation in silence.  Be open to the creative options as they begin to surface. Be still allowing our energy to flow until we feel in balance with our decision.

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