Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Blissful Moments

When welcoming receives everything just as it is,
love blossoms and joy abounds.
What wonder, astonishment, and delight.

Richard Miller

The sun was out today, so I could not possibly want for more.  I decided in honor of the sun's presence, I would try to stay in each moment, appreciating each ray of light.  I would embrace whatever came my way without any attachment to outcome.  I would brave the unknown.

It would be nice to report my day went smoothly filled with 'ah ha' moments, but that would be an out and out lie.  In spite of the unexpected popping up, I managed to stay present, but felt there were too many situations teaching me patience.  There were challenges in the house, so I decided to limit the testing field.  I went out into the back yard and wandered in the flowers.

Life became very simple.  While practicing deep breathing, my eyes absorbed the array of colors while my nose inhaled the fragrance of the peonies.  I touched the flowers and felt the varying textures of the petals and the leaves.  I could hear a few bees buzzing around as I lazily watched the ants crawling all about.  

Next came the rabbit trying to psych me out.  We stared each other down and I am not quite sure who broke eye contact first.  It was probably the distraction of the crazy squirrel running along the fence and jumping from branch to limb.  

The birds decided I wasn't a threat after all, and fell into the chorus of their songs.  I was amazed  as they cleaned their feathers, never losing balance at all.  I wondered why the Blue Jays had such vivid color and  had such an annoying call.

Cuddled in the outdoor chair, I maintained presence and speculated about the synchronicity of all the seasons of nature.  I closed my eyes, and allowed colorful shapeless visions flit across my mind.  I felt nothing but peace and calm. 

In these blissful moments, I was happy to be alive.  I was reminded of the beauty in the world and easily let the negativity fade.  These seemingly perfect moments allowed me to feel loved and accepted as I bravely faced the remainder of the day.


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