Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Leeson from the Ants

"Life is priceless
even to an ant"

Liu Xiaobo

Ants do not necessarily bother me, but I just as soon not have them in my house.  When we lived out in the country with four kids, we would frequently find a trail of ants headed for the melted popsicle or spilled kool-aide.  Thankfully, I have not had to battle the ant brigade for numerous years.  The other day, however, I noticed a big black carpenter's ant crawling near my computer.  Odd.  I picked it up, and carried it outside.  Then yesterday, I noticed another large black ant crawling at eye sight on the curtain behind my computer.  That is odd.  Carried this one outside, hoping it wasn't the first one I had brought outside.  So today, when another one appeared (one per day for four days) I turned to my Ted Andrew's book, ANIMAL -SPEAK, The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small. 

The keynote for ant:  Industrious, Order, and Discipline.  Apparently, ants can teach us how to harness our energy to recreate our lives.  It teaches how to work well with others and for others, how to remain focused, without neglecting other important things.  Based on the colony of ants and individual ant behavior, rewards follow through personal effort.

This is a wonderful reminder for me.  I have a project I have not worked on for over a year.  My interest in this project has been rekindled, and I want to get back on track.  It is going to take organization and discipline to complete this labor of love.  Too often, I put off writing until I have a larger block of time or when I am feeling more energized.  These thoughts are simply excuses to cover the mask of fear or unworthiness.

I find no matter when I begin writing, my energy flows and my passion surges unless I throw up my personal roadblocks to prevent my needed accomplishments.  I  do not like to work under pressure, but doing what I love truly is not pressure.  My ego will play numerous tricks on me to become distracted which results in my feeling unproductive with my writing. 

The ants easily display the sense of concentrated activity, patience, and endurance with successful results at the end.  I have recently committed to a new discipline which will actually bring order to my day.  Like time management  I will end up with more free time without guilt every day. 

Oh, and the black carpenter ants ...  I have not seen any more since I realized what they symbolized.  Message received, loud and clear.

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