Saturday, May 11, 2013

Closest Ally

“A daughter is a mother's gender partner, her closest ally in the family confederacy, an extension of her self. And mothers are their daughters' role model, their biological and emotional road map, the arbiter of all their relationships.”

Victoria Secunda

Today is my daughter's birthday.  She was born on Mother's Day and has been an everlasting gift of joy, hope, and courage.    She was welcomed into the world by numerous family members, but especially embraced by her three brothers.  Her brothers educated her well in holding her own against the male gender.  They carried her everywhere when she was young and protected her ferociously when older.  They foolishly encouraged her to talk and she has since  mastered articulation to a science.

After three boys, I was not as certain as to how a girl child was to be raised.  Then it became so obvious ... lead with my heart.  My daughter and I learned together, faced challenges, and accepted each other.  We spent endless hours quietly reading, going for lengthy walks and funny bike rides.  We could sit for hours on a porch swing discussing everything or nothing.  Just to be present with each other has been nurturing and a blessing.

Together we have journeyed to Wisconsin, New Jersey, Wichita, Dallas, San Diego, Seattle, San Fransisco, and New York.  As I age, I can feel our relationship shifting.  It is as though the tables are turning as she begins to gently assist me.  She has been my nurturer, safe haven, and support.  We have both given and received, knowing that our hearts will be linked forever.

My daughter's intelligence, drive, and persistence have awarded her exceptional skills to help families, children and individuals in addition to being a professor.  In her own way, she helps to heal the next generation while strengthening the bonds of feminine freedom. 


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