Sunday, February 24, 2013

Synchronicity at Hog Fish Bar in Stock Island

I do believe in an everyday sort of magic -- the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone.” 
Charles de Lint
There is nothing like synchronicity to bring magic to life.  We have all experienced those unexpected moments when random factors all line up in unison, bringing the unexpected together. 
One of my favorite  places to eat is at an outdoor bar known for serving Hogfish.  This particular fish is caught locally, so it is very fresh.  Hogfish is mild, meaty and just delicious.  The Hogfish Bar is established right in the middle of the shrimp docks so no matter where the customer sits,  there is plenty of activity going on at the wharf. 
Every time we visit the Keys, we always make sure to visit this outdoor eatery.  In the  bathroom for women, there is a sign stating,  "All employees must wash  hands. If employees not present, wash your own hands!"  
As I stood in line waiting for the bathroom, the woman behind me struck up a conversation.  "Have you eaten here before?" 
I responded in a very affirming way. 
Then she asked the usual question of where I was from. 
I told her Illinois. 
She then replied, "Oh, so am I.  Where in Illinois?" 
I told her Springfield and she exclaimed, "So am I!"  
So we laughed and hugged like twins separated at birth.
Synchronicity has been laced in and out of my life, and I am grateful for the inexplicable connectedness.  Synchronicity brings the kid out of us.  We are amused like a slight of hand trick.  Our funny bone gets tickled and magic seems to light up the stars in the sky.   

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