Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Side Stepping Darkness

"The most introspective of souls are often 
those that have been hurt the most.
Shannon Alder

Mentors have been pivotal at different stages of my life.  I will be forever in debt to those who took  the time to nurture, encourage, and allow my inner self to surface.  When I became aware of his or her own history, my ability and willingness to move forward increased.

Poets and authors who attracted my interest in early years were definitely challenged by life and did not hesitate to reflect his or her darkness.  Some creative expressionists wrote under a false name certainly to avoid blow back.

Journaling has been an ancient practice, not something 'new age'.  It has clearly been an outlet for self expression whether using words or drawings.  No one escapes the experience of life without being hurt to some degree.  If we create a place to release our inner wounds, the world is less likely to enclose us in darkness.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Reflection of the Soul

"You can't lie to your soul."
Irvine Welsh

Dishonesty may go undetected when we are with others, but when we are silently conscious of our inner spirit, we cannot lie.  We may avoid parts of our selves, but the truth is always just beneath the imagined surface.  Neglecting to see the entire picture reduces our perceptions to a smaller field of light.

To initiate balance, it is required to embrace all sides of our nature.  Not all sides are going to necessarily be appealing, but they need to be recognized and not repressed.  We can manage our negativity consistently if we are aware of its presence.  

We enter into false illusions when we are not mindful of all our parts.  Our weaknesses can be modified or perhaps even re-framed into some source of strength.  So avoid repression as well as obssesive thinking by blending the entire reflection of the soul. 

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Fantasies Outside; Revelations Inside

"Your visions become clear only when you can
look into your own heart.  Who looks outside, dreams;
who looks inside, awakes."

There are endless words to project our thoughts outwards such as: fantasies, visions,or dreams.  The words referring to inner exploration are deliberately active like digging, releasing, excavating, etc...   The adventure of following the path within is a definite challenge unfolding both negative and positive.  

There are wonderful books and mentors to help us search for what is within, but the responsibility of translation is personal.  We must do the digging, the nurturing, and the interpretation of the fruit we produce.  If our true spirit is to present itself out into the world, it must have our authentic imprint.

It is definitely a surprise to discover our multi-sided soul.  We do not have just one aspect to our personality, we have numerous veins waiting for us to broaden and enhance.  As we quietly walk in nature or stare into the core of a flower or observe the flicker of the candle or randomly sketch or write, we grow closer to our essence. We must begin the steps leading us within to our unique and lovely selves.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Time Out Chair ...

"Be not another,
if you can be yourself."

Currently, we may find ourselves enclosed either with those we love or with those who we find difficult to love.  No matter where we find our lovely selves, it is important to find a small space ... a time out chair, if you will ... to regroup, restore, and heal.

We find our selves enduring interruptions, missed events, and stimulating activities.  It is a time to invest in new avenues to seek our needs.  Perhaps we can turn back to old habits like giving someone a call or writing a letter or card to be mailed.  These gestures, although minor, may brighten someone else's day.

With so much uncertainty, it is even more important to be living in our own skin.  If we have fear, it is important to acknowledge it through exercise or creative expression.  If we hide behind a mask, those who surround us are receiving false information which will lead them far away from our needs.  Each of us are holding a special place on this earth, so nurture, heal, and honor the spirit we have always meant to be.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Impact and Recall

"That which we witness, we are forever changed by,
and once witnessed we can never go back."
Angeles Arrien

Sit by a candle and stare into the flame and be aware of what memories surface in the mind.  Begin jotting down incidents from childhood and be amazed by what comes floating to the top.  Recall uncomfortable moments and re-experience how it makes the body feel when experiencing our personal strength and endurance.

Then take the same actions but with intention to recall moments of joy or happiness or security.  Experience how differently these thoughts impact emotions and tension within the body.  Reliving moments can increase our sense of belonging and stability.

The thoughts we think just as the situations we experience impact our perception.  It is up to us to determine which belongs to us and what needs to be released.  This not only promotes better health, it also makes us feel lighter and more buoyant.  Our perception is more likely to stay with a positive view which increases our willingness to embrace all of our lives.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Damaged Emotional Makeup

To my children.
I am sorry for the unhealed parts of me
that in turn hurt you.
It was never a lack of love for you.
Only a lack of love for my self.
Author Unknown

In relationships, we can follow all of the rules, reach our expectations, and offer an enhanced safe place, yet, still hurt the ones we love.  Simply, perfection is never obtained unless in a random moment.  In spite of how we strive to be loving and kind, there is the profound element of hurting someone along the way.

To be the mother of four, dream come true, I excelled in areas hoping to make them physically and emotionally strong.  I yearned for them to have a moral compass and a full future life.  I was not consciously aware of how my damaged emotional makeup slipped through the cracks and created pivots in their own unfolding.

Is it enough to say, "I did my best, " knowing there were times I felt short of the mark?  As I grow into myself and heal the deep pockets of insecurity, I realize the unintended impact on the hearts I held.   For that I apologize, but in the depths of my soul, I know I loved the best I could.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Sitting Down with the Universe

I sat down with the Universe and
told her I wanted to grow.

I told her to use me as a vessel. So
she made me uncomfortable. She
stripped me of everything I knew.
Made me learn how to be silent,
how to let go. How to stand my 
ground, how to be more
understanding.  How to fight, how 
to survive. How to be more
assertive, more loving and less naive.
She told me to take everything
I have learned and share it with others.
Author Unknown

In preparation for writing a post for Virginia's Voice, I search for a quote that resonates with me and then choose a picture for reflection.  Then insights tend to free flow through me and somehow the individual thoughts begin to connect, and I am ready to let go.

Recently, I abruptly left my life as I knew it and relocated to Nashville, Tennessee where my daughter has lived since graduating from college.  I have visited this city more times that I can count and feel very welcomed by my daughter, her husband, and their two wonderful children.  

Barely settling in to my tiny apartment, the tornadoes passed through the Nashville area doing great damage.  The Corona Virus clampdowns quickly followed.  It is then I understood why I was here.  There are numerous ways to serve others and plenty of kindness to be exchanged.  A Reiki group has come together to daily send healing energy out into and around the world.  I feel purposeful to help and blessed to be with my family.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Glistening Mirrors

"Children are constantly focused 
on their parents and will mirror them."
Iben Dissing Sandahl

My daughter was guiding her three year old through a corrective situation when he turned to his mother and very calmly stated, "Sweet child, no."  My daughter immediately turned her head towards me with deep suspicion.  Busted.  Monroe was mirroring a phrase I use as a gentle reprimand.

The gift hidden in the midst of tornadoes and aggressive germs, I am able to spend more time with my grandchildren.  It is easier enjoying them as a grandparent than it had been as a mother herding my four children.  It is easier to be calmly invested in the moment rather than driven by daily routines.

Can we all do that in a deliberate way?  Can we pull back and adjust our approach, response, and behavior to create bonding times more so than regulations?  If we can be more mindful of compassion towards ourselves as well as others, as mirrors we will be glistening!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Keep Us Connected

"In the space between chaos and shape
there was another chance."
Jeanette Winterson

Accepting reality is not easy and we often find ourselves in denial, avoidance or anger which only distances the road to right thinking.  The punitive aspects may sting, but the sooner we reframe and develop positive action, we will be propelled into the best direction.

We have choices even though they might not be ideal.  We have the ability to enhance our choice to make an inconvenient situation more palatable.  Energy is wasted on resentment, but is productive beyond our expectations when invested towards best interest.

Identify what is within control and begin to regulate a new way of approaching tasks at hand.  Do not work against what will not change, but seek what will work for the immediate situation.  Remember we are in this together with alternatives to keep us connected. 

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Individual Inconvenience

"Not just beautiful, though ...
the stars are like the trees in the forest,
alive and breathing.  And they're 
watching me."
Haruki Murakami

Our choice of words temper our mindset and the more aware of this, we will endeavor to speak more kindly to our lovely selves and others. If we choose harsh definitions, we too will feel heavy and confined.  Selecting positive descriptions will create a greater sense of buoyancy.

Forced isolation, for example is quite contrary to working from home.  Captive at home by children can become a new opportunity to engage the kids in useful learning experiences like cooking or laundry or redesigning his or her bedroom.

We can turn inconvenience into peace and calm, if we are willing to stay in a positive frame of mind.  As individuals, we have not been singled out.  We are all experiencing a shift that is out of our control.  A daily dose of hope can be found by looking up to the stars.  They remind us that we are not alone and that there is more to the story than our individual inconvenience.  

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Space for Unknown

"I'm choosing happiness over suffering, I know I am.
I'm making space for the unknown future to fill up
my life with yet to come surprises."
Elizabeth Gilbert

Change presents us with the unknown which usually triggers some level of fear.  We then could use our energy to fight the system, rebel against being told, and create a perfectly unpleasant state of mind.

Controlling our fear gives us opportunities to explore options.  We can choose to use our energy to develop new routines, dig deeper into our work, and maintain a creative perception of what is yet to come.

Without hesitation use positivity while developing new ways. Spread energy throughout the day following the new path. Adjust the day to meet needs, and to be aware of the of others without being driven to isolation by fear.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Abundance of Spring

"Seasons change and so do we."
Elite Daily

First day of Spring may not appear to be filled with wild flowers and budding trees.  In some areas there may be melting snow or cold temperatures, but nothing distracts Mother Nature from transitioning into another season.

To keep us moving forward, we can anticipate working in a garden or buying fresh produce.  We can imagine the trees filled with leaves and leisure time spent on our porch.  The harshness of winter slowly retreats and we begin to feel hope in the bursts of springtime breezes. 

There is nothing constant in life except for change which we have no control over.  We must endeavor to find the good in present situations as we move forward whether willingly or unwillingly. Focus on being thankful for what we have and visualize gratitude for the abundance yet to come.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Surface in Memory

"Every time the long-forgotten people of the past 
are remembered, they are born again!"
Mehmet Murat ildan

Many of us are determined to leave a mark on life to be remembered well passed our life time.  A street named after us, a college hall, scholarship or discovery might just do the trick for some.  There are those who sadly believe no one will remember them.  Some simply do not care and are generally remembered as an arse.

If we sincerely want to make an impression upon those we leave behind, one must discover an authentic strength about themselves and generously share it with others.  Life calls us to be present for ourselves and for others.  Share our gift and honor the present/presence of others.

There is no greater gift to the world than offering ourselves as willing participants in life as it unfolds.  We are not all rocket scientists or wealthy benefactors, but if we are kind, respectful, and compassionate, there will be those who we do not even know who will see us in memory long after we are gone. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Not Meant For Simple Entertainment

"Believe me, the unconscious mind is something
a little strange, but like everything,
it has meaning."
Efrat Cybulkiewicz

The strangest scenarios present themselves in dreamtime, and we tell ourselves it must have been the chili we ate for dinner.  In real life, the oddest things unfold and we find ourselves dumbfounded wondering 'what in the world'.

Whether in dreamtime or reality, oddities try to get our attention.  There is a message in the midst of the distraction.  If we readily dismiss what comes before us, it will simply fade away into the ethers and create a better plan to ignite recognition.

If we find ourselves commenting, "I just had the oddest thought," do not release it.  Take a few minutes and wonder what the significance might be.  The unconscious floats fragments to the surface with meaning, not meant for simple entertainment.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Associations with the Color Green

"We sat in silence, letting the green
in the air heal what it could."
Erica Bauermeister

Predominantly, I imagine green to be closely associated with nature and healing.  It is a comforting color and brings to mind woods, parks, lush lawns,  Actually, my association to St Patrick being Irish is quite microscopic. 

The pleasure of the color green is quite opposite from the snapshots of the St Pat's Parade.  The color reflects, at least for me, strength and healthy actions.  Working in a yard, grooming a garden, tending to plants all seem like inspiring  impressions.

Working with the chakras in energy work, the heart chakra is green.  It is quite common for the heart chakra to be closed from the burden of pain or loss.  The color green softens the hard shell of false protection, and encourages new growth.  

Monday, March 16, 2020

Silent Language

"I like you; your eyes are full of language."
Anne Sexton

As a youngster I was excited to understand the English language with all of the  inconsistencies and to master diagraming sentences; but my passion was in placing words upon a page with invested creativity.  My obsessive reading widened  vision throughout my life.   

As all of these experiences gathered within my head, my heart began prompting me to use my voice.  I learned to tone my words for the comfort of others and in return, they would tell me of the pain lingering behind their eyes.  This too was language.
Language can be seen in the excited eyes of the toddler or the well creased and wrinkled eyes of the elder.  Then again, language may be best felt in the comforting arms of each other.  Language can be spoken, heard, or observed.  The silence in the heart may be the most complicated language of all.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Unearthing Emotional Barricades

"Our shadow emerges from the unspeakable things 
that we discover about the world and ourselves."
Kilroy J. Oldster

The core words driving my success were spoken by my mother when I was an unseen child.  Talking to a friend she said, "That child could fall into a pile of shit and come out smelling like a rose."  These being the kindest words I ever heard my mother say about me, I was driven to enter dysfunction and exit smelling like success.  I was nearing 50 when I became aware of this unconscious belief.

Intolerant of the harsh emotions surrounding me in early life, I was determined to never live in chaos once I left home.  For years I would avoid all confrontation or ignore unacceptable behaviors in relationships, as I refused chaos, making a mess of my personal self. It was later in life when I finally understood that life is chaos and we must learn to lives in its midst.  

For many years I collected labels (education, wife, mother, social worker, energy worker) to best describe my contribution to my life.  The strong image I reflected out into the world was acceptable, but the real work was waiting within ... the personal discovery of love for the self. I have finally evolved into a core of light shining love out upon the inhabitants of this earth as my commitment to life.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

This is for you, Mary Jo!

"We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us
something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to
our touch.  Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder,
spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit.
E.E. Cummings

During the last 40 years, Mary Jo and I have cultivated our friendship to be deep, even though we are not together as often as we would like.  We have had spiritual experiences together, shared religious times, and times of tears when no hope seemed available.  We have stood together in times of motherhood and have stretched being friends into active sisters of the heart.

Repeatedly, Mary Jo appears in my life seeming to know exactly when I need her most.  She can make anything funny ... I mean rolling around on the floor funny.  Her actual laugh is enough to get one started. It is her eyes, however, offering the depth to her soul.  She has a mystical touch to balance my mind in this upside down world.

Cancer is battling Mary Jo's body right now and she is supported by her two AMAZING sons, grandchildren, many brothers, and numerous friends from all walks of life. Her Facebook friends form a rolodex of the world! The extended followers are uplifting, prayerful, and outspoken with hope.  It is my sincere wish that Mary Jo sees these earth angels and realizes they are simply a reflection of all the wonderful gifts she once so generously gave.  I love you sister of my heart, forever.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Maintain Sense of Balance

"When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, 
we will find it in our lives."
Louise Hay

Life is filled with challenges and they will repeat themselves until we can finally learn the purpose or lesson of the situation.  When we find our way and clear our path to move forward, it is inevitable that debris will appear once again.

The key to navigating our path is our mind set.  If we maintain a negative perspective, we will not advance as successfully as when we have an open mind to learn a positive approach.  If we declutter the mind by discarding self-criticism and focusing on creative resolution, we can maintain a sense of balance as we move forward.

Recognition of our progress can be stimulating.  As we self-access, we can celebrate our endurance and acknowledge every baby step we take.  Visualize the self moving with ease towards a positive outcome.  Allow plenty of time for transition to avoid hastily made decisions or choices made under duress. 

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Honesty Unfolds

"When someone shows you who they are,
believe them the first time."
Maya Angelou

Although we easily share self-criticism with friends and strangers, we have the tendency to dismiss negativity and look deeper for the goodness.  Everyone has redeeming qualities and we choose to discover and focus upon the unique kindness often hidden within.

It is important to accept the gifts of others, but it is equally important to be conscious of traits detrimental to relationship.  There is no need for judgment, but awareness is necessary to adjust boundaries for self care.  

If we are hood-winked by a person due to our innocence we need to learn the lesson, forgive, and move along.  There is no reason to judge, and no reason to expose ourselves to repeated harm.  It is vitally important to listen to personal statements rather than project a false image of perfection to meet our own needs.  Allow sufficient time for honesty to unfold.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Grounded in Truth and Action


"She existed in her friends; there she was.
All the parts of herself she'd forgotten.
She knew herself best when she was with them."
Ann Brashares

We often isolate ourselves or confine interactions with a minimized audience.  It is when we stray too far away from  friends that we begin to forget parts of our selves.  When we are with those who love us, they kindle our fire making us shine.

It is interesting how we may choose one friend for deep confidences, while selecting a different companion for crazy fun.  It is the sister of the heart, however, one can be all parts in one.  We are embraced and supported ... the whole package.

And is that not the goal of life ... to learn to be present with our true self, open just as we are whether approved or not?  We need to have a willingness to change and a desire to learn, while remaining grounded in our truth and actions.  Let it be good to be you!

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Small Joys Escort Us Towards Our Goal

"Many lose the small joys 
in the hope for the big happiness."
Pearl S. Buck

Years ago, I was zipping down the interstate to get to my job.  I was strategizing about how I would distribute my time to meet all of my expectations.  Tension and pressure were already gathering in my shoulders, neck, and head.

As I turned my head to remove a kink from my neck, time felt like it came to a complete stop.  My eyes fell upon the enormous sun positioned in the most beautiful blue sky. The beauty overpowered all thought, and my mouth released one word ... Allah. In that moment, I was cocooned with all that was holy.

Daily life is filled with small joys if we but take the time to notice.  Some may momentarily entertain us, but there are those impacting our memories forever.  In the race one runs to reach goals, allow for   brief moments to catch a glimpse of joy to escort us on our way.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Observe the Abstract

"Abstract is a journey through both my mind and my past."

We are finally encouraging young people to go out and discover personal strengths and decipher a way these gifts can be used in the development of a career or an exquisite diversion to drop away from stress and pressure.

As a society, we are no longer projecting that perfection is the ideal goal, but rather to strive to do the best we can do.  And sometimes by stretching our ability in a different way, we originate a new form that elevates our intentions.  New discoveries are continuously created in all of the arts and sciences, and often by accident.

If we feel an idea nagging at us or presenting itself repeatedly, we may want to pause and explore.   Abstract or partial information awaits our individualized in put. Many original ideas appear within our dreams which is an excellent reason to pay attention to the language of dreams.  There is so much more to us if we would just slow down and observe.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

What If and Fairy Tales

"If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales.
If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales."
Albert Einstein  

It is understandable to not want to tell children fairy tales, in an effort not to lie to them. It is hard to feed little ones imaginations with fantasy only later admitting none of it was true.  This is about being accountable; but as in many areas of life, balance is needed.

Albert Einstein was a brilliant man, and he used a great deal of creativity in finding answers to his questions.  Imagination is a tool to enhance our life and can be presented in a natural way.  There is a difference between adamantly misleading a child with falsehoods and inquiring what they might think of what they hear, see or feel.  Children are naturally imaginative and at the very least, adults can listen to what is in the child's thoughts.

Intelligence will assist us in learning, and with imagination brilliant results appear.  If a parent feels fairy tales are misleading, what do they believe the harsh and violent computer games are projecting? Again, balance is required, but it is an injustice to deprive a young mind from wandering into the 'what if' moments in life.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

The Ignored Diversity of Amelia Earhart

"Recognizing the power of her celebrity, she strove to be an
example of courage, intelligence, and self-reliance. She hoped
her influence would topple any negative stereotypes about 
women and open doors for them in every field."
Biography, Facebook

The name, Amelia Earhart immediately triggers the memory of an American Aviator who disappeared in 1937 and declared deceased in 1939.  In reading about her earlier life, I was impressed with the obstacles she over came and the success she discovered.

Amelia Earhart's early life was very dysfunctional and she moved amongst relatives while growing up.  Born in Kansas, 1897, she completed Hyde Park High school in Chicago, especially interested in chemistry.  In the years to follow, her life was consistently interrupted by family dynamics.  She was a teacher, Social Worker, attended Medical School, and Red Cross nurse's aide working with wounded soldiers; but she was repeatedly drawn back to aviation.

Amelia Earhart's accomplishments were a surprise to me as she has singularly been displayed as a notable pilot.   She was the author of a successful book, "20 hrs and 40 min" which drew so much attention; she made all of her own clothes;  she influenced a more sleek line in women's fashion; and accepted position of Associate Editor for Cosmopolitan Magazine.   A gracious and shy woman, balanced by talent and bravery, secured a notable place in aviation while men stated it was too dangerous a position for a woman to be in.   

Friday, March 6, 2020

Perceptions Define

"We must not allow other people's limited
perceptions to define us."
Virginia Satir

The love for random reading instigated many adventures I pursued.  As I worked my way back through histories of religion or ancient rituals my mind just kept seeking more.  Information I discovered amazed me that I had not come across a mere reference towards any of it during my exceptional education.

Childhood bombarded me with shame and guilt, so I was unfolding without much concern about the established status quo.  I loved creating groups and then off I'd go.  I longed for the experience of  creating things and then move along to something new.  In young adulthood and as I grew older, whatever criticism I attracted hurt, but the emotion triggered deeper subjects to explore.

Most of the gathered information logged in my head might not be of interest to many, but it is there for my enjoyment, for stimulation, and for some sense of understanding unanswered questions. I do not long to be like others as I have grown proud of me.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Roller Coaster Ride

"Like a roller coaster, my mind had climbed its way to the top ...
only to witness how far there was to fall.  And like a coaster,
the second fear hit, my stomach plummeted with the drop."
Katherine McIntyre

In life, there are times we are called to be courageous and brave.  When we began, we were probably thinking about increasing our focus or being more determined.  Momentum picks up and like a roller coaster, we are moving up the track.  We may glance over our shoulder to see the distance we have traveled, but there is no turning back.

When we find our lovely selves at the pinnacle of our destination, we may feel a momentary high, a disbelief we have actually pushed so far, and a passing sense of success or gratification.  No one, however, stays at the top.  The time spent up on the peak never lasts.

The roller coaster begins its descent and picks up speed.  Our heart drops to our bellies with the over whelming thought of needing to start something new all over again.  We surmount one obstacle only to discover another waiting at the end of the ride.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Retaliation or Appropriate Reaction

"When someone stabs you
it's not your fault that you feel pain."
Louise Penny

Author, Louise Penny wrote a mystery series which takes place outside of Quebec.  She has penned a small community of diverse friends who face challenges from the outside world.  When I read the last book of the series, I felt as though I had just lost significant friends.

The main characters of these books are diverse, but are connected through compassion and by being present for each other....not to solve problems, but to share as they pass through the various stages of life.  There is murder of course, but lots of humor as well.  I encourage people to discover this author.

Louise Penny makes the statement, "When someone stabs you, it's not your fault that you feel pain."  Harsh words can be thrown at us at any time so we are not necessarily prepared.  When unexpectedly exposed we will feel pain, however, we still choose how to react.  Do we want to retaliate and invest more energy in an already bad situation, or do we choose to withdraw?  Backing down is not cowardice, it is creating time for a more appropriate reaction.  

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Remove From the Fire

""Do you know the feeling, 
when your heart is so hurt,
that you could feel the blood dripping?"
Lady Gaga

Spiritual Masters claim we get hurt by allowing others to do so and we give them permission.  They say we must empty the vast amount of pain within us to allow ourselves greater control over our own sensitivities.  If we secretly hold in our mind the wish for the other to be hurt back in return, we are experiencing the same pain a second time.

Author, Judith Corvin Blackburn, Ph.D  has been a mentor, teacher, friend, and a living example of how to navigate a spiritual life.  Years ago, I was sharing my pain of repeatedly being hurt and she offered me some advice.  She said to sit down with the other person and have direct eye contact with them.  In a gentle voice state, "You are hurting me."  If there is no response, repeat again and again not changing the words.  This is an interesting exercise as we see first hand how the persona chooses to react.  The importance is not who is at fault, but giving the other person the opportunity to see the damage he or she is creating.

When someone hurts our feelings, we claim they are having a bad day.  As sensitive people, we think we need to be tolerant of others, but not at the cost of being hurt during the process.  When we learn to stand up for ourselves, we listen with compassion. If we get sucked in and criticized, we must have the awareness to say, "This is not a good time.  We'll talk later."  It is not being rude to remove the lovely self from the fire.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Slow Boat to Geriatrics

"Some part of me can't wait to see 
what life's going to come up with next!"
Alexander Shulgin

Growing up, I never had grandmothers or grandfathers or any aging elders to set an example for me.  Age, actually, never registered within me ... at least once I obtained a fake i.d. stating I was 21.  Over the years I never was really certain just how old I was.  So this whole aging section of my life has not gone especially well.

Since I have had the habit of regulating myself by my thoughts and belief system, not much emphasis was placed on age.  Now I am faced with society's expectation of being old.  I will admit to feeling physically restricted in some areas like jumping or wall climbing, but I continue to be attracted to weird shoes, odd jewelry and random clothes.  I have the inclination to continue to be me rather than wear old peoples clothes and give up the fight.

When I deliberately look at the options for those who are aging I sincerely want to laugh out loud.  I believe I can speak for my generation by stating we are not yet ready to lie down and die.  I am not ready to stop thinking and doing.  Okay, maybe the doing has to be modified, but I am still breathing and dreaming!  It is with enthusiasm I view the next portion of my life as an adventure even if it has to be somewhat altered.  I am definitely not getting on that slow boat to geriatrics!